Gay Marriage: Pros & Cons


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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United States
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but they should not be forced to if they dont want to. if a homosexual couple cant find a church because that church has a different "definition" of marraige, we cant change the shurches beliefs. thats just as bad. what we can do is make a totally nuetral marraige, a legal union, that only requires you be two consening adults. if you want married by a church with the belief that marraige can be between gay or straight couples then they can get married there, if not, the state should provide legal unions.


Jul 29, 2003
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Originally posted by amrtin77
but they should not be forced to if they dont want to. if a homosexual couple cant find a church because that church has a different "definition" of marraige, we cant change the shurches beliefs. thats just as bad. what we can do is make a totally nuetral marraige, a legal union, that only requires you be two consening adults. if you want married by a church with the belief that marraige can be between gay or straight couples then they can get married there, if not, the state should provide legal unions.
I agree. But this wouldn't be the same as totally denying their marriage. That is what conservatives or homophobic people want to do in the first place. Legal unions as you like to call them still resemble there is a union and a "legal" couple. The people that are against this, do not want them to have a single shred of paper or document or anything saying that the gay couple is legally married.
Changing the definition is unnecessary. People just need to open up their minds this day in age. Churches don't have to carry out gay marriages, but it doesn't mean a gay couple can't be legally married.

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