BattleForums Addict
Would you rather have me not thank you and say "Gib me freez now!!!"XxSworn_EnemyxX said:Asskisser!!!!!!!!!
I don't know this is all ****ed up. I thought it was starting at Free4All1, turns out it started as Free4All, so i missed thr first wave, then i got into the second game, a sin dropped a ring and an amn and left, so i thought it was him and left, now no gamnes are running.i_killa_you said:Hey how come he not on yet?
God damn you! is it over? If so I missed it all. It would of helped if we would of known his character names or if the games were made private for the forum only. Meh, w/e, it's onyl a game. Congradulations Van.Vanduhwheel said:Thansk man i got a few socketables i can use
So what exactly happened? For the past 40 minutes i've been typing in "Free4all1" in the join window and it kept on saying that game didn't exist.XxSworn_EnemyxX said:Sorry guys some idiot had made the first game, so I had to improvise. Hope all that got items enjoy them.
Wow, you have nothing better to do ? Lol.Pisco_Ssour said:I haven't slept in 36 hours and was forcing myself to stay up just for this.