"i think all of you are idiots for using hacks all they do make u cheat"
Isn't that the point of a hack is to cheat stop trying to overstate the obvious you "fag".
"if u r a real man just play normal"
No I'm sorry to break this to you but you don't become a real man because of a game. (Sorry that I just broke all your hopes and dreams).
"(or call on shiny suit man)!!!"
I don't know what this means so just shut up.
"sorry from somethingt u should find out"
Your sorry because you called hacks cheats? I think everyone knew that when they downloaded them. God your stupid.
"but i like the disconnect hack"
Did you not just say " think all of you are idiots for using hacks ".
Hey look your an idiot you said it not me. By the way disconnect ing "newbs" that are about to beat you is worse then any other hack.
"it is great for newbs that you hate and are ruining the game"
No its great for cheating like you just said. So easy terms you are an idiot but you said that already so I'll try not to say it to much more.
"game so that is not cheating"
Sorry to tell you this using the disconnect hack is cheating. You can tell yourself it's not all you wnat't thats not going to change the fact that its a hack and hacks using hacks make you a cheater andd in your terms a cheater is a idiot so what does that make you guess?
"but i dont like all the other hacks they are cheap and gay"
So disconnecting people from the games is ok but using a mpahack isn't? please listen to how stupid you sound (I mean are). The only cheap and gay hack out there is the disconnect hack so get you priorties straight then come back and read what you said.