Tempest Storm
Premium Member
Originally posted by Nuts
Regardless of your personal feelings for the issue, same sex marriage has a difficult chance of passing any vote in the near future. The polls indicate a very strong opposition to using the term "marriage" to define same sex unions. Polls do indicate a willingness to allow same sex unions under their own umbrella.
Actually, according to the polls, opposers of gay marriage have a slim majority of those who favor gay marriage:
Not true. Many Native American tribes allowed gay marriage. It's all about which tradition you wish to support.How many times do we need go over this very simple fact? It's not marriage by any definition of the word, no matter how you try to skew it. For the last time, marriage is a union between a man and a woman, therefore a union between a man and a man cannot logically be marriage! It's not an opinion, it's not a theory, it's not conjecture, it's pure unadulterated factual information!
Personally, I, along with most other gays, would prolly be more than willing to settle for Civil Unions. I don't think that any church should be forced to do something which goes against their beliefs. But some churchs do support gay marriage, hence they should be allowed to marry gays, which they allready can, just that the government doesn't recognize those marriages.