ya its called a curve so my B can go to an A- hah aww last final today its just piling up every day in a row
Originally posted by Bjornita
Easily-- personification...
I hate finals... and I got a C. Dammit. I wonder how many school districts actually use the 91-100, 81-90, etc. scale...
NC :waveyOriginally posted by Zsquared
Wow what state do you atend school in Dark Blade? It must suck to have to sit in the same room every day for 2 hours.
We have 9 periods a day 40 minutes each.
An we use the a numeric grading System.
Alot of the local schools use the number system instead of the letter.
New York Regents, I finished all mine...Originally posted by xjMaN88lx
yeh last week i had mad finals... this week is my last tomorrow.. actually today i have a spanish final
godamn anyone still have finals?