there are two feuding kingdoms(aeris and arcania) and Arcania has spread a plague at Aeris and now the Aeris needs to rid of this disease by only getting it from the people who cast it in the first place. The infected dominion(which we are on) does not want to risk sending their own units into the Arcania so they debate and finally decide who is to be the ones to go and retreive a cure for the disease-warmongers and warriors captured from other wars that have been left in their cells to rot and await their sentances(of which everybody has forgot). The archmages of the infected Aeris use their last bit of remaining holy magic to render the warriors able to fight and to promise in return for the cure they will recaive gold and their freedom. When they finally get to the opposing dominion they find tons of things they have never seen before-like walking machines and things called zepplins. This kingdom they had raged war on has a new master Kel Thuzd- a warlock who assasinated the former king of Arcania, Artanis, and plans to do the same thing to the infected kingdom in hopes of an undead army. The few of Artanis's followers have taken to the mountains and they hold the only cure for the disease. our characters have to travel to the mountains for the cure and still have to take on the warlock and still bring the cure back to their dominion before the plague has taken over, which make kel thuzads work that much easier.
How do i put a link to paint which shows the map/continent?