just got ffxII and its not as great as i thought it would be o well i gues sill go get doom 3
If 10's battle system was confusing you should probably finish the second grade before playing another FF, because that was by far the most simplistic and abusive battle system of them all.padfoot_001 said:This is just me, but I think that the battle systems in FF7 and FF8 were the best. 9 was okay, but it lacked alot and 10 just confused the heck out of me. :hbut
Please leave, fanboy.sp1d3r said:ffvii is by far the best final fantasy game and, in my opnion ,the best rpg so far.
Same with me. I played for seven hours or so and was bored....Then the story finally started picking up, but I got stuck on this one part and haven't played since :/I tried 7 but I hated how long it took for the storyline to be anything more than just stupid...