FF6 is my current fave because of the focus on the many characters as opposed to one main character. Try playing the game again with different characters in your party and see their reactions. Locke and Celes have alot of stuff as well as Sabin/Edgar, Terra/Edgar, Shadow/Sabin, Gau/Strago etc.
7 Was great (played it before the fanboy wave) and would have gotten my fave award if it werent for sephiroth. Sephiroth was a terrible character in the sense that you never really fight him til the very end and how his Oedipus Syndrome made him look like a faerie. Cid and Barret make this game shine.
9 is currently my 2nd fave because it goes back to the traditional swords and castles age of the FF series as opposed to the techno-punk genre it's been headed towards. Had the best system in terms of gaining skills and a rich diversity in characters from the comedy relief by steiner to the cool Freya (fave FF char evar). This game is too underrated
My opinions to 8 and 10? to give you a hint, i returned both games a week after playing them. Both were too linear and had a terrible skill system though 8's was more appalling.
I just want a good FF game to focus on it's roots by eliminating the whole Summon magic and get focus on elemental spells. Another thing, is it too much to ask for a FF's main char to not be a guy nor use a sword? (Tidus being an exception to the first one and Zidane to the 2nd)