All my characters are level 90 or above, so I've abut overkilled Final Fantasy 4. I can just attack things regularly and kill them, which is fun I guess. It's a really fun game, but it can get a little hard or a little easy depending on what you're doing. On 5, I'm stuck on the area at the end, the Cleft of Dimension. The area is hard, and I really need to get more of the Sacred Weapons as well as master more jobs with my regular people so they don't die like they have been. Final Fantasy 5 is by far the hardest one for the SNES. I've overkilled Final Fantasy 6, too. Try having all party members at level 50 or so, and having one level 96. I took my level 51 Terra, Gave her an experience egg, and killed these dinosaurs in a forest on the top of the map. Vanish + Doom killed them. They gave 8800 experience, which doubles to 16,600 or so. So, after killing those for about 20 minutes, I was level 75 with high-powered stats. Terra had 58 Speed, 82 Magic, 76 Vigor, and 74 Stamina. She wears Marvel Shoes and the best gear in the game. She's like a walking god at this point. Yeah, overkill.
Since there's no where really to power-level with sufficent ability points in Final Fantasy 5, it's hard to levelup any one job in a particular place. There are some areas that have a good selection of monsters to kill each time you walk around them, but no ''really good'' areas to do it. Usually I just run around killing things in certain areas, and eventually that gives me sufficent points. Sincwe you are on the ship part, you are close to the super leveling technique I sort of came up with. If you are, I can help you with it once you reply and tell me exactly where you are.