Pains Requiem
BattleForums Senior Member
the game isnt going to sell good at all-most people are used to the games being on the sony playstation consul (maybe a few on the nintendo license) so most people only play the ff games on the ps(2) because they are just used to it. the garaphics and all look good but i havent really seen anything too promising-a guy fighting this hovering dragon-looking thing and a bunch of people standing on a cliff. i would buy it of course if it was on a ps format/consul. playing a ff game on the pc just wont feel right. if u havent noticed, squareenix(soft) has been trying to make the graphics for its games better but keep lowering the quality of gameplay and the storyline-this is true with ff10(10-2) it was an ok game and sold a lot because it had high expectations.i think ffX1 will also do that but sales will drop a huge % within a month or so...the online gameplay will just mess up the fabrics of what makes a ff game a game u play for hours and hours-someone posted before u get bored before u get to lv30-hell, i saved a game on ff8 just so i could fly the ragnarok and train everyone to a lv10 and master everything-same for 7. 10 was ok about it but square has (to me) seemed to have been drawing away from the great games they once created. the ff games are becoming crap. maybe if they recreated old games onto the ps2/gba maybe, it would be a little different, like the ff tactics square has recently released.
all this mumbling nonsense is just my opinion about things... dot dot dot
all this mumbling nonsense is just my opinion about things... dot dot dot