Favorite new brood war character?

What's you favorite characrer in Brood War that was added to the expansion?

  • Corsair

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Medic

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Valkryie

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Devourer

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Lurker

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • Dark Archon

    Votes: 7 24.1%

  • Total voters


Retired Staff
Jul 29, 2002
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Originally posted by BigTymer[Frog]
you guys r hella wrong corsairs ROCK ZERG FOOD, and u say, "so everyone else in this channel says that too" and i say there even better then any other air killers i.e. valkyrie. The valk is an expensive peice of c**p barely better then the corsair and takes longer too build (i think) the corsiar kill overlords because it can be build really early (as soon as u build a stargate) and most zerg only have about 10 hydra's at ABSOLUTE most by the time u have 2 corsairs... So what im saying only a COMPLETE newb NEVER uses corsiar versus zerg. (and if u micro properly u can dodge 10 hydra's to kill a couple overlords)
What if you spend all your time building corsairs, then he comes and attacks you with a hydra rush? Trust me when I say... making corsairs right away before making anything else is a really bad idea. Besides, 10 hydras could take out 2 corsairs in about 2 seconds


Aug 27, 2002
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archons are the best kepp a few and mind control all units then you have all 3 races after snathing a drone and a scv so archons are best they lead to the ultemate combo of the 3 races


Aug 3, 2002
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Los Angeles, California
Originally posted by Xel
archons are the best kepp a few and mind control all units then you have all 3 races after snathing a drone and a scv so archons are best they lead to the ultemate combo of the 3 races
Two things:
  • You mean Dark Archons.
  • Easier said than done.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Originally posted by SkuZZy

What if you spend all your time building corsairs, then he comes and attacks you with a hydra rush? Trust me when I say... making corsairs right away before making anything else is a really bad idea. Besides, 10 hydras could take out 2 corsairs in about 2 seconds
if he attacks u then make sure u have cannons, then u attack the cannons right? use disruption web on the hydras. i did this to one guy i kept disabling attacks as my cannons blast them.

Originally posted by Xel

archons are the best kepp a few and mind control all units then you have all 3 races after snathing a drone and a scv so archons are best they lead to the ultemate combo of the 3 races
Why build a couple dark archons? i built like 50. as i was attacked i mc his attacking units and attacked him with em. imagin seeing ur own guardians attacking urself. i posted something like that with a protoss opponent somewhere.


Aug 27, 2002
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i jyst kepp a few since i rarely get atacked sucesfully by a comp so i hjust keep a few


Aug 3, 2002
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Los Angeles, California
How many computers do you play in one game, little boy?


Oct 11, 2002
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ALL of the new units have their pros & cons. None is better than another.

- Corsair : Sh*t fighter. but d-web is handy when using a drop or pausing a tank from firing.

- Valk : Its an ok fighter but if ur opponent has +3 armor upg. u wont do much damage. But it is the highest ranked unit in the terran line. Btw keep clicking on the valk. The chick is f*cked!

- DT : Excellent in all aspects, great damage, permanently invisible, cheap for a toss unit. Ok health. Excellent for drops

- Devourer: Ok these take around a million years to let off 3 shots. Their damage is superb. Acid Spores just piss ur opponent off & work well if u have some mutas nearby to help. Fast.

- Medic: Good hp for a low level unit. IT HEALS!. When put in a group of marines. It is one hell of an investment.

- Dark Archon: Good hp. IT MIND CONTROLS. Maelstrom & Feedback r good. Pitty it loses all its sheilds when it uses magic.

- Lurk: Screws any ground units walking by. If u have a decent amount of them. Air w/detects will **** em up. they attack while burrowed.

There is no way this argument can be settled. I like all the new units. Besides the devourer coz its fire rate is like -10000000. its all opinionated.


Sep 28, 2002
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Ok, first off i voted lurker, because hydra/lurk is my favourite zerg strategy and lurker defence is one of the coolest ums maps i have ever played :D

But anyway, there is a meaning of every unit in the game, and since obviously some of u cant see it, i will try to explain.


The corsair is one of the best units in the game, and it has opened for many new strategies. Corsairs do splash damage, so 4 corsairs will own 12 mutas or 12 wraiths if they are stacked together.
A very popular strategy is to get a few corsairs in early game and start hunting overlords to cut of enemy suply and waste their minerals on making new ovis.
On island maps, the most used toss strategy is to do a corsair/reaver drop combo. This gives u the best anti-ground and the best anti-air units of the protoss combined.


Regular SC was very unbalanced and zerg totally owned terran by massing hydras. In BW, lurkers and medics have totally balanced that MU. Medics + marines counter hydras and irradiate/tank support counter lurkers, while lurkers counter marines and hydras counter tanks. Its all about unit controll.
Thanks to the medic, it is now possible to do a M&M rush vs toss in early game if he doesn't tech to reavers/templars.


Valkyries do not deal a lot of damage, but they attack many units at the same time. They are used for backup, they are not intended for massing. Valkyries counter mutas, guardians, they can be used together with BCs to counter only BCs, and they totally own wraiths.


The devourer attack is one of the best in the game. First of all, it highers the cooldown of the enemy unit, making it attack slower. Second, the acid spores makes the unit take more damage from each attacking unit. 9 acid spores = 9 more damage taken from each hit.
Devourers is the only counter toss has for corsairs (corsairs own scourges) and is also good vs wraiths, BCs, valkyries and scouts.


The lurkers are one of the most powerfull units in the game. Against terran they are used to counter infantry. 8 lurkers can take out 30 marines if the marines aren't controlled properly. A lurker + hydra drop in the terrans main base while the enemy is attacking can take out the entire base and ruin his unit production.
Against toss the lurkers must be used against lots and goons. Psionic storm can be devostating for a zerg army, but a good zerg player will be able to controll his hydras so they wont get killed. After the lurkers came, the zerg player is finally able to contain a toss player in early game, and that gives him time to expand.

Dark archon:

Not many people see the potential of the dark archon. Maelstorm can freeze hydras so they cant be moved away from a psionic storm, and something most players havent seen is, it can stop ultras + lings in swarm!
Mind controll is rarely used, but if u are attacked by carriers or BCs it can be usefull. Mind controlling a drone or SCV takes too long so its not very effective.
Feedback kills a high templar, defiler or science vessel in one cast. It also removes a great deal of hit points from BCs.

Dark archons are not very cost effective in early game, but in late game they can be really good. They are the most effective in ffa's, because u can be attacked at any time and DAs are very good at holding back enemy attacks.

Dark templar:

Dark templars deal a lot of damage, so together with zealots and goons they can be used to push back tank pushes. A DT rush is rarely used because it can be scouted, but a hidden DT rush can catch a terran of guard. Unexpected DT drops can also be hard to counter.


Sep 28, 2002
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Originally posted by AmericanPsych0
How many computers do you play in one game, little boy?
I can beat 7.

Originally posted by SkuZZy
What if you spend all your time building corsairs, then he comes and attacks you with a hydra rush? Trust me when I say... making corsairs right away before making anything else is a really bad idea. Besides, 10 hydras could take out 2 corsairs in about 2 seconds
By the time he makes corsairs on a land map (for example LT) he will have 9/10 gate zealed u so u will have to make lings before hydras. Also, he will never come close to ur hydras because if he knows what he is doing he will micro. And if u actually make only hydras, 10 zealots + 2 high templars can kill 25-30 hydras. Besides, u wont have enough suply to make that many hydras.

Originally posted by pan_the_man
i use drop ships to leave the base. i usualy bring the units right into the enemy base from the air. lie drops. the front is usualy nevr used. but i usually patrol the front of the base with like a science vessel. those are realy good. And with the disruption web It shouldn't be to annoying if u counter em fast. but if the comp continuously usese them dont fight em when they are protoss. lol
lol? The only way to beat a toss player on LT is a good tank push from the front. Main-drops are useless, but i make cliff drops at expansions in late game.

Originally posted by BigTymer[Frog]
most zerg only have about 10 hydra's at ABSOLUTE most by the time u have 2 corsairs....


Originally posted by AKA-47
I can beat 7.

Beating 7 computers doesn't prove a thing. Each computer plays the same way on melee, and the AI never changes. Plus you probably play on a map with tons of minerals and gas, which right away cuts down on the ruthlessness of a comp. Beating 7 other human players is a lot better because each builds at a different pace, order, and uses a different strategy. I like all of the new units as well, but I use the corsairs the least. To me I like MCing units when I can, and I love dark templar. Lurkers kick ass, valkyries are sweet too.


Sep 28, 2002
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I know 7 comps isn't a big deal, that was my point.


Sep 28, 2002
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Maybe u didnt get my point, what i meant was that comps suck and that beating 7 was no big deal.


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