Hmm when I'm in a rush or want to harass I go with BM, I love his ultimate, it pwns. I don't like FS unless I'm using RoC because casters are kickass in RoC. I don't like chain/far sight/earthquake either. I never use TC because I had one bad experience with him. Really slow and if countered with mad units it will go down easily. I love the SH for a second hero and this is my special cheat but usually it only works when he's protected. I try to set my guys up fighting as a barrier so that I can cast BBV. Unless they have archers or something it might be a problem but most of his units can't get through obviously leaving them invunerable for a while. Unless he has air, this strat will work most of the time.
::Note:: Dont use this in an open field, use it inside your base or inside his, or some sealed up area which is open on one side.