Ah, i think one of my ut-most favorite member of bf would have to be TheSummit
. He really is a champ, and has done a lot for me over the time i've kown him, even though it might not seem like much to him, it has been to me
(even though i don't show it)
also, i like (i'll just make a big list) vizjerei, mave, mant, pan (believe it or not), raccoon, tweak, crooky, theroy, axl, kami, tronga, x42 guy, renzo, wikid, roach, hitsua, bam (didn't add me to his list, so i am mad), swoop, zaku, raya!!!, gelly, forged, pamma, kaldaris, & guru. (and all the others i have forgotton
also, people who have gone who i like
: chrisuk (he actually is cool), darkblade, scsi, faint, shadowfrench, & cort -- not to mention all the little war3 posters i have grown to love