Holy shit...
Medusa is overpowered, not imbalanced
Siren and terrorblade are way too overpowered, but not imbalanced
but, troll , slardar and faceless void well played cannot be beaten 1x1
Admitting that u didn't suck all game long,and have 3 special items (im not revealing those, but only one of them is costy) a medusa with AEGIS - RAPIER - BUTTERFLY - AGHANIM - GUINSOO - TREADS cannot kill you.
it's just that in this game permastun > all .
Slardar cuz of -15 amor and tons hp + PERMASTUN
Faceless cuz of TIME STOP + PERMASTUN
and the best one, troll:
he's got Godly attack rate + a str hero HP + a real nice dmg + ** REAL PERMASTUN **
i'm thinking 'bout writing a troll playing guide and strategies against EVERY hero in the game, but im afraid of having too many pro trolls over the net, and having to keep fast clickin to choose him
Medusa is overpowered, not imbalanced
Siren and terrorblade are way too overpowered, but not imbalanced
but, troll , slardar and faceless void well played cannot be beaten 1x1
Admitting that u didn't suck all game long,and have 3 special items (im not revealing those, but only one of them is costy) a medusa with AEGIS - RAPIER - BUTTERFLY - AGHANIM - GUINSOO - TREADS cannot kill you.
it's just that in this game permastun > all .
Slardar cuz of -15 amor and tons hp + PERMASTUN
Faceless cuz of TIME STOP + PERMASTUN
and the best one, troll:
he's got Godly attack rate + a str hero HP + a real nice dmg + ** REAL PERMASTUN **
i'm thinking 'bout writing a troll playing guide and strategies against EVERY hero in the game, but im afraid of having too many pro trolls over the net, and having to keep fast clickin to choose him