BattleForums Senior Member
i came up with a tidehunter strat that owns about everybody. get ring of regen in beginning and go creep sniping for a good sum of money. then when you think you have enough or need to make a foundtain trip, you should have ~1-1.5k to spend on the treads. i also like to buy sobi mask to help with his mana regeneration.
later, the ring of regen can be sold, but keep the sobi mask. this will be used to make guinsoos scythe. treads/guinsoos on a tidehunter is ownage, plus throwing in the mom to finish it off. then i got mkb later. i was unstoppable, and tied for kills with bounty hunter
later, the ring of regen can be sold, but keep the sobi mask. this will be used to make guinsoos scythe. treads/guinsoos on a tidehunter is ownage, plus throwing in the mom to finish it off. then i got mkb later. i was unstoppable, and tied for kills with bounty hunter