That isn't the problem, the problem for him is battleforums itself.
He never replies to PMs. He doesn't even reply to mine, and I am a mod.Originally posted by nevergoingback
I haven't really posted much expressions towards Pan and his departure so please when reading this try to understand that I am only expressing things from my experiance and point of view.
Pan you were a great member and did your job well, but I in truth this all I can say in the likes of goodness, for I personally am not sorry to see you leave, but thank you for the foundation that you have laid for the future of battleforums.
At one point I looked up to you Pan as a member here, then one day we or maybe just I had a falling out. I explained my side of the story in all honesty, and took leave from the forums for a short period of time. When I returned I had made it a point to make amense, and give my personal apologies to those I fealt owed.
You being the most important of all I only asked for forgiveness. You failed to accept or even respond to any message that I may have sent you. I even sent you my own personal fairwell, again no response.
I am sorry to say that I feel that standing down from your staff member position is for the best, though this does not reflect how I feel about you as a person or a member, but if you can not reconsile differences between one member how could you with the forums as a whole.
fairwell Pan you will be remembered, but you will not be missed.
As I said in the past I have no hard feeling just a few hurt ones.
"You remember that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always Love you, that's where I'll be waiting." ~tink
Then maybe you could Pm the juicy secrets to me, eh?Originally posted by x42bn6
As I expected..... Damn, that hurts. I think I know the reasons why he left because of the three of us, but I'm gonna respect that and not post it here.
ROLF, I know exactly how you feel :rollieOriginally posted by Kaldaris
He still IMs me with "Hi" and then never responds. :/