ok ooc 2d is a member of gorillaz and is basicly the guy murdoc ¥the leader and bully of the band¤ beats up
Russell *would have been effective if i had not been leaning forward to begin with so it was like getting pricked© Now its serieous and link srry about the bow thing*
runns at cecil punchs with a enough force to destroy a steel wall 1' thick sending him 100 ft and he hit the announcer© reussel switches direction and runs a kurama and punches him with more force ¥thank you increasing popwer¤ sending him over in to tacitus's arena©
Russell *would have been effective if i had not been leaning forward to begin with so it was like getting pricked© Now its serieous and link srry about the bow thing*
runns at cecil punchs with a enough force to destroy a steel wall 1' thick sending him 100 ft and he hit the announcer© reussel switches direction and runs a kurama and punches him with more force ¥thank you increasing popwer¤ sending him over in to tacitus's arena©