I think that everyone should stop whining about imbalances and unfair advantages in the game of Wc3:TFT. The fact of the matter is, blizzards developers are experts in their fields, and they aren't paid to sit around and play with their dicks all day. They have come up with a complex system of advantages and disadvantages, bonuses and penalties, that reflects the skill of the player. If you get beat by an undead player in 1v1 while using orc, it doesn't necessarily mean that UD is better than orc, it means you need to quit bitching and practice. I get my ass handed to me about as much as I hand out asses, but I at least have the decency to admit that I should just practice on ways to decrease my build time, work on microing, etc.. instead of writing a 3 1/2 page bitchuary on "How much I suck with NE"... and FYI, I've seen Garg/ghoul countered many times, by different types of units, its about 25% what your units are, and 75% how you use them.