t.A.T.u97 said:It works, yes, but it is Jan. Although I am a europe user (last netterhaufen things he would not release europe accounts) I'm still gonna wait another day or 2 for maphack. Friend talked to the guy and sure enough its backdoored. Heres what he said to moi:
Artwork © says:
it opend connection on port 1010
Artwork © says:
no mh does that unless it's scripted to send out packets
Artwork © says:
i read his source
Artwork © says:
and i found a nice backdoor in it
(Thanks ert you sexy hoe)
Really, impatience will pwn any of you. Its maphack for christ sakes....
L M F A OStatus said:I think that the mh is a bd, because I startded my D2, and I got into a game blah blah blah, I exited the last game, and it froze, after experiencing EXTREME LAG. Then, I closed my D2 and restarted, now, 2 hours later, my key is in use. The bd steals your cdkey.mqp file I think. So it shows your own name or ID for the game, because there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to get on. If you value your cdkey, items, and accounts, You're probly not going to want to use this program. If anyone has any idea how to troubleshoot my situation, or has a logical explaination, other than the maphack is backdoored app, please tell me. I think I might talk to battle.net about my key. I have a reciept for it. =D
Jan said:I have released the final version of EasyMap. It now reveals shrines aswell.
Please relate to this thread for info:
I would like to ask the staff to delete *ANY* post saying this version of the file is infected, without showing proof (in other words: uploading the infected file and prooving the MD5 checksum matches the ones released with the original files).
Wow, guys Ace is right. Just because everyone is so biased, you guys think that someone stole your key when you get CI... No but really, lemme get this straight, port 1010 is NOT OPENED by the maphack. Jesus,,,TheAce said:Tell your friend he's more stupid than a turd.
I debugged the whole .exe and .dll, found nothing but the logging stuff (the debug mode that tells you what address it loads the dll to and that kind of stuff).
Opening a port to send out packets? Let's see... supposing that Jan wants to steal our stuff by opening a port (PLEASE LEARN SOME NETWORKING BEFORE STATING YOUR OPINIONS) he would have to know everyone's IP, then connect to that open port and then send a packet so the mh returns the thing's he want. I didn't see neither the opening of the port nor the packet sending stuff so yeah, tatu, either your friend is dumb or you suck at inventing shit.
The fact that bnet tells you that the key is still in use by you is just that bnet thinks you are still using it because you lagged/dropped/closed d2 without letting it "close" the connection. So yeah, stop posting stuff like "OMFG MY DOG BARKS WHEN I RUN IT SO IT'S BACKDOORED FOR SURE"
I took a quick look around with an x86 ASM decompiler, found some pretty strange stuff for a maphack. Certain DLL calls which should have nothing to do with a Maphack, along with things like accessing the registry.I debugged the whole .exe and .dll, found nothing but the logging stuff (the debug mode that tells you what address it loads the dll to and that kind of stuff).
No, not really.Opening a port to send out packets? Let's see... supposing that Jan wants to steal our stuff by opening a port (PLEASE LEARN SOME NETWORKING BEFORE STATING YOUR OPINIONS) he would have to know everyone's IP, then connect to that open port and then send a packet so the mh returns the thing's he want. I didn't see neither the opening of the port nor the packet sending stuff so yeah, tatu, either your friend is dumb or you suck at inventing shit.
It worked fine for me for 2 days, but now I hear all this about bd, so I deleted the files and changed my passwords. All it does is show the map after pressing "-" on your numpad. No vector or anything like that....chocofilez said:So this works (no strings atatched) or it doesnt? Thats all i want to know. Also, does it just show the map or does it have helpfull advanced options like C3PO. ie, Arrows to the next place or wp or whatever.
fattyxp said:1.FirebirdGm, exactly where do you see registery editing APIs? I disassembled it using OlyDbg and w32dasm and there are no calls to it.
2.Also niether of the files has any encrypted coding, they both disassemble fine in both dasm's and display all the coding properly.
3. I think you guys just have it out for netter and aren't even looking at stuff and just inventing stories. I for one will use this because I'm not a ****ing retard and I've done this kind of checking with exes and shit for years. I've also programmed for years and I know what it takes for make a backdoor and other various stuff.
4. If he were to try and steal our keys, he would need access to our mpqs, which there are no file opening apis being called. second, he would need to make a shim that sits between diablo and b.net to capture and decrypt it as it's sent. But he isn't doing that here.
5. The people that are doing the scanning and claiming it opens ports... make sure your computers aren't infected PRIOR to making accusations. I left PortExplorer open all night last night to monitor my traffic. Nothing outgoing and nothing incoming from ANYTHING. No port 1010 opened, no ports other than what was suppose to be open (AIM)
So I'm going to use this, and whoever else wants to can use it as well. If you don't trust me or the forum staff who said it was clean, then don't. The decision is completely up to you.