i CHoose ds cuz of the 2 screans right/left hand configuration, touch control and shit.
if i wanted wide screen i can get a tv and a ps2
if i wanted wide screen i can get a tv and a ps2
He didn't say ps2 he said PSP. Which is the Playstation Portable, which is Sony's first handheld.Jim Morrison said:me,i dont really like ps2 anymore,but it pwns ds anyday,but i would prolly buy ds since i allrdy got a ps2
LOL!!! your telling me your gonna get the DS cause nintendo has had a portable longer? How about all of the other portable things sony sells? DVD Players, MP3 Players,ect. ect. Just cause this is their first portable, doesnt mean that companys that have sold portables allready will be better. The touch screen is retarded. Im sure the PSP will have some sort of wireless gaming as well. Nintendo = Shit, their last good system was SNES.betaalpha5 said:give me the new gameboy any day. they have been in the business for a long time now, they know how to make portable games. PSP, come on gameboy has the touch screen and wireless connection thing down. PSP and the other one are babies compare to the gameboy
Games will NEVER be free, unless of coarse you mod it and burn the games, which is illegal, but im sure it will end up happening.Lwek said:iPaqs are PDA's.
PSP isn't worth it because then you'd have to have $20-40usd games. Then you play the game for a month and then you feel like getting another one. It just isn't worth it. If the games were free, then that'd be a differen't story.
Pure~Nightblade said:I'm gettin PSP after a price drop. Always loved Sony, they always have better developers on their systems.