**** yeah, I so agree! I dont know how Kerry is.... but, Bush is a complete and total MORON!Originally posted by x42bn6
I pity the choices Americans have for their next President.
**** yeah, I so agree! I dont know how Kerry is.... but, Bush is a complete and total MORON!Originally posted by x42bn6
I pity the choices Americans have for their next President.
Why so?Originally posted by x42bn6
I pity the choices Americans have for their next President.
Bush for one thing declared war on Iraq with no real evidence of mass destruction weapons... He also knew ahead of time about the 9/11 terrorist report, coming from the Al Qaida, who would throw this threat away? HIM! He also plans on bringing back the draft and, he says he cares about our welfare, all that is going to do is kill more civilians of the U.S.. Also, there were six to ten former military generals and navy admirals who held promotions to kick Bush out of office and bring Kerry in... Which is very pathetic...Originally posted by AxL
Why so?
um....what??Originally posted by xjMaN88lx
kerry and bush man kerry and bush
uh...no, he's an actor(who's show I find completely unfunny, which is beside the point) not a politicianOriginally posted by xjMaN88lx
chappelle wuld make a better president
Because Bush is a moron who will undoubtablly destroy America and Kerry is Bush jr.Why so?
I like your banner, mind me using it as well CB?Originally posted by CelestialBadger
Just register for the draft as a consciencess objector. I can do that since I was brought up as a Quaker, but I'm sure you don't have to be affiliated with any religion to object to war. Seriously, who like war? Who likes getting their guts shot out and watching your friends get their guts shot out? War blows; why everyone doesn't register as a CO is beyond me.
Originally posted by Netxenur
No because if I say I have weed out in the open I'll get mugged and shot...