how do you know that our creator is anything?
im not 100% sure, but, during the time, you had to have a he or a she. so, the bible had a he as God. Thats what im thinking. When God says he made man in his own image, i think he meant something that had free will. God made us in his own image...but what image was that? im thinking choice. God chose david in his time. Abraham in his. Moses in his. Im sure there were others of faith close to theirs, but God chose them.
Well anyways, back to the topic of the thread
I believe i read this somewhere in a book. God does not hate homosexuals because he loves all living things. Yet, he hates satanism, murder, robbery, etc. but not the robbers, murderes, or satanists themselves. Paul was known throughout israel for distasteful deeds. Yet, God still loved him and he eventually turned from his evil ways. Homosexuality is what God hates.
Bam do you agree with me at all?