this is a very important thing in my life. being gay and brought up in a overly christian family i was taught being gay was wrong. because of that i got severe depression (i mean really severe depression). since i have come to grips with the fact i like other guys i don't have depression problems (i blame christianity for my depression).
i think that no one choses to be gay or not to be gay. it just happens, like it or not, that person is gay. it's only easier for a hetrosexual to be hetrosexual because it's drilled into peoples heads that gay=wrong. homosexuality is not wrong and it should not be feared, i think that homophobics are just a bunch of closet cases.
my philosophy has always been: "i am me, why should i change to please other people?". this can be taken many ways, for me it means i don't care what other people think about my personality, and i don't believe in the christian god because if he was real he would hate me for who i am.
(sidenote: i get so many insults about it where i live, i live in the most homophobic place on the whole planet: texas. everyone here thinks all gays should be shot, my main comeback has always been "straights? that is so unatrual")