Rofl,,,... New Patches Of Course Wtf you think? Why?
here's why cuz im addicted to d2 and there is no game that can UNNADDICT ME from it
LOL and i have made special moment for the Patch my d2 running now for 28 Days without shutting down im planing on duping my account when 1.11 comes out

! whala!!! i got all items from 08.. every single one.. cept for the 08 ls ISO!! FOR IT!
this is not just a game its a spiritual AIR in the Air that makes you inhale it when you play so you start feeling the game for rea,l
Ohh yeah and i dressed my dad like my barb he looked so cool with that Carbor box ITH OMG!! its so cool!! u should try drugging your mother and dressing her
as a SORC with bugged items

she would pwn
specially when she jumps out the window NOT SAYING AAAAAAA *ouch*