Do you believe that there is a god?


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Well persnoannel i used to belvie in god but as i got older adn older and sat ther eand thought....**How easy would it be for someone back in the day jsut to write a story then force his own relgion** ..well that thoguht made me doubt and doubt more and after reading about the big bang theory and the evolution progress of scientist i truly belive god is jsut another thing that people used to keep people under control from acting insane and primitive....while yesi do respect people who belive in a relgion it all seems fake to me like i am watching a bunch of lemming run off a cliff....

i mena if u read the bible ther ewere so many miracles back in the day...why aren't there any now?? the bible proclaim amegeddon on year 2000 did it happen?? (not sure on that one)

How is it possible for a god to exist in the first place?? How is power that great controlled? Why make a planet and race when *if he is god* knows it will rebell and not act his way??? ther eare so many question i have about this issue...i was reading this you need to be saved pamplet yesertday at work and it pretty much told me...BELIVE IN GOD OR ROT IN HELL i am sorry but people are trying to scare people into relgion...when you gone to a particular church then not show up for a couple of weeks..everyoen that goes keeps asking ayou and begging you to go back and pressuring you.........liek i said..seems far' fetched to me

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