Actually if Donny banned cheeze by ip, he could do so without touching anyone else related to the forums already. Since Cheeze isn't using proxies to access the site, which can also be stopped with a simple mod, he can ban the whole string related to Cheeze's host. Though stopping proxies is not wise, cause I use them alot to float around the net. Only down side to this is anyone from that string will not be able to come to the forums, unless their address was added to a safe list.
IP address: Hidden
Reverse DNS:
Reverse DNS authenticity: [Verified]
ASN: 1221
ASN Name: ASN-TELSTRA (Telstra Pty Ltd)
IP range connectivity: 1
Registrar (per ASN): APNIC
Country (per IP registrar): AU [Australia]
Country Currency: AUD [Australia Dollars]
Country IP Range: to
Country fraud profile: Normal
City (per outside source): Launceston, Tasmania
Country (per outside source): AU [Australia]
Private (internal) IP? No
IP address registrar:
Known Proxy? No <---- So he's not using proxies, most likely Dialup, or Static DNS.
BTW, this information is public domain, no Privacy laws are violated for posting this information. The users direct information has been hidden.