Diablo Clone


Jan 17, 2004
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i have heard dclone appears based on your ip. you go into windows, start, run, cmd, ipconfig . said that the ip with 400 or 4000 in it is the diablo part. so i think that he/she appears in different ip areas per day, so if u see the soj count go up, check your ip and find / make a game witht he same. or be smart n stay in the game that has the soj count going up til he appears. and he only shows in hell, so dont bother with nm n norm. dont know who toldme this but he had anni on every character he showed me.


Jan 29, 2004
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diablo clone does not only spawn in hell... ive seen pictures that blizzard released (go to www.diabloii.net and click on links that lead to dc stuff) and i saw one where a full trangs necro was fighting dc in norm and it was like a unique monster.... he had minions... yeah thats right.... about 9 diablos running around but he doesnt drop anni in norm ... just a load of uniques ^check the pics if interested

i thought he drops as many charms as players in the game dont he?
oh god i wish.. if that were so id have 3 at the moment

the only class ive seen able to affectively beat a dc is a zealdin... all 3 times if fought dc.... someone has gotten his friends and one of them is always a zealdin that owns dc easily

(traded bonehew and my hell hf quest for my anni 16/16/6)


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Jan 19, 2004
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Originally posted by spiycrko
diablo clone does not only spawn in hell... ive seen pictures that blizzard released (go to www.diabloii.net and click on links that lead to dc stuff) and i saw one where a full trangs necro was fighting dc in norm and it was like a unique monster.... he had minions... yeah thats right.... about 9 diablos running around but he doesnt drop anni in norm ... just a load of uniques ^check the pics if interested

oh god i wish.. if that were so id have 3 at the moment

the only class ive seen able to affectively beat a dc is a zealdin... all 3 times if fought dc.... someone has gotten his friends and one of them is always a zealdin that owns dc easily

(traded bonehew and my hell hf quest for my anni 16/16/6)
Those pics are from beta 1.10, some guy hacked the mpq, and created uber diablos.

Uber diablo comes from random IP, ive heard, so the sojs arent related.

Also, Uber Diablo is impossible to kill by 1 pally within 2 minute max. I (hammerdin) killed UBer with my friend's fire sorc, in about 4~5 min i think, and we both didnt die. Remember that Uber diablo has huge lifea nd 95% all resist. Even with shaefer, which is now NOT the best zealdin weapon, u cannot kill uber.
3.8k zeal dmg is very low. with BotD zerker, i think it goes much higher than that.

wow, if u traded hellforge and bonehew for anni, thats pretty good trade. Remember that u can always get friend to rush u to do hell forge from new char and bonehew is jus another common item.
Sep 8, 2003
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hey, do you really need to explain d2 after like 10 ppl have? Or did u just need another post count? I am talking about the person with the last post on page 1 and the post above this. This thread is nearly 2 months old. D Clone has been explained enough, we don't need yur input just to make yur post count higher, so plz stop spamming.


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Jan 19, 2004
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dude, those pic from diabloii.net are false pic, they appear cuz the "screenshot owner" hacked into mpq files or something, im jus clarifying that, go to his home page and read. And if u think i was spamming, ask mod to subtract 1 post count, i dont mind. Im just telling you ppl that those multiple diablos are not uber. And read the everything ive said up there ik.

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