That's good of you. Especially considering they have a StarCraft game COMING OUT. . .well, a patch for SC would be nice but D3 will come before the actual SC2.
Umm NO! Blizzard has gone on about their PC Games and won't charge, and they could have waited another year on D2, and put it out like you just stated for that is when EQ hit it big.I'm actually interested in seeing ANY new games from blizzard =/ The only bad part is, is that if they were to make a D3, it would probebly be incredibly graphic intensive, unable to play on 56k, and have a damned subscription
Sorry to bring on an old post but the very reason they could make a D3 would be to show the effects of the worldstone destructionOriginally posted by Inu-Geta200
Even if they did make a Diablo III, what would be the storyline of it??