If theres going to be any actual roleplaying involved with it, I am totally down with this shit. I love D&D, and if you'll have me, I'd love to take part. I'll roll up what I can if you take me, either Aasimar Cleric or NG Human
Incarnate (from Magic of Incarnum, link is a bit about how to make them not suck from Wizards)
D&D utilities:
a resource copying some of th basic stuff onto the web
online character sheets for the ****ing win
another online resource, more and less than the other one, pdf format
Though,,,if you're full up, *shrug* I just saw this and was like...HOMIGOD! XD Yeah, I'm usually free on weekends after 11pm pacific time because I work closing a lot...
God, why couldn't have Akule have pointed out people being idiots earlier in the day. XD