I will say it once and only once. Our job, as admins, according to crooked and our host, is to remove any illegal content. When we say illegal, we mean illegal as in the law. Gold selling, power leveling, etc are not illegal, but they violate blizzard's user policy. If you sell gold or power level, you are banned from the game..not arrested by the feds. That is the very reason we allow people to talk about third party blizzard programs, and allow links to be posted for such content. While they violate blizzard policies, they do not violate the law, and that is all we have to worry about. We are not changing our banners, and we are not changing our rule. But thanks for your concern.
Also, these are not new rules, so stop stating them as such. They have been in our official rules for as long as I've been here. The announcement was simply made to refresh the memories of those who break them.