Dealin with depression...


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Is there anyway to deal with depression besides using drugs? Not illegal ones. (though i prefer it).

I've been falling hard into depression again and before i get as bad as I was last time I'm trying to prevent it. I'm trying to get away from drugs to solve my problems. I stopped selling and quit my job today. And this has been such a ****ty day. I've sat in my room staring at the ceiling from 12 to 6. ITs gotten to a point where life is so god damn boring....I went out bought some useless clothes and that new ipod nano. Still bland. Tried eating some pizza......blander still..went and saw superbad....while funny I barely laughed by myself.

My phone been off all day and my voicemail is nearing full. I don't want friends for some reason.. the more people hang around me the more i want to be alone. I constantly wear my earphones to tune the world out as I slide threw this ****ty place. And yet people don't seem to get the hint that when i got my headphones on it means don't bother me. No i don't care if we havn't seen each other in 6 years....I don't care if your interested in me and tried lamly to hit on me. I don't care. Yet I ask myself....why do I want to be alone where I become the most emo when so many people constantly want me around. Why do I shed friendship? Why am I so heartless?

It like i get off on being troubled now. Being normal is so abnormal. I duno. I always thought the hardest thing in life is getting money.....yet I don't care about money. Yea I still got alot and more to come but...its not making me happy. I end up blowing close to $500.00 not on me but on friends when we are out drinking. I know peolpe use me. For my money,drugs, possesions....and for awhile I ignore it. But inside it really piss's me off because if I didn't have all this, nobody would even give a **** about me.

I duno...maybe I'm just a modern guy stuck in past morals. A romantic perhaps? or just plain emo inside.

But I've been thinking how do I change this? How do I become a better person? Mentally. I'm thinking that milatary is my only hope. While yes college is more fun. I'm not gonna change i'll just end up on atarol again.

I need a mental cleansing and I'm dieing to kill someone. (seriously) so yea.....I think its for the best of my life.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Stop drinking and doing drugs for a while?


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 7, 2003
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It's been my experience that weed and drinking only aid depression, so unless you think that would help I wouldn't suggest it.

Possibly a change of scenery would help break the monotony you're feeling. Try taking a vacation with a close friend, who hopefully isn't just hanging out with you for your money.


Forum *********
Aug 17, 2003
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Is there anyway to deal with depression besides using drugs? Not illegal ones. (though i prefer it).

I've been falling hard into depression again and before i get as bad as I was last time I'm trying to prevent it. I'm trying to get away from drugs to solve my problems. I stopped selling and quit my job today. And this has been such a ****ty day. I've sat in my room staring at the ceiling from 12 to 6. ITs gotten to a point where life is so god damn boring....I went out bought some useless clothes and that new ipod nano. Still bland. Tried eating some pizza......blander still..went and saw superbad....while funny I barely laughed by myself.

My phone been off all day and my voicemail is nearing full. I don't want friends for some reason.. the more people hang around me the more i want to be alone. I constantly wear my earphones to tune the world out as I slide threw this ****ty place. And yet people don't seem to get the hint that when i got my headphones on it means don't bother me. No i don't care if we havn't seen each other in 6 years....I don't care if your interested in me and tried lamly to hit on me. I don't care. Yet I ask myself....why do I want to be alone where I become the most emo when so many people constantly want me around. Why do I shed friendship? Why am I so heartless?

It like i get off on being troubled now. Being normal is so abnormal. I duno. I always thought the hardest thing in life is getting money.....yet I don't care about money. Yea I still got alot and more to come but...its not making me happy. I end up blowing close to $500.00 not on me but on friends when we are out drinking. I know peolpe use me. For my money,drugs, possesions....and for awhile I ignore it. But inside it really piss's me off because if I didn't have all this, nobody would even give a **** about me.

I duno...maybe I'm just a modern guy stuck in past morals. A romantic perhaps? or just plain emo inside.

But I've been thinking how do I change this? How do I become a better person? Mentally. I'm thinking that milatary is my only hope. While yes college is more fun. I'm not gonna change i'll just end up on atarol again.

I need a mental cleansing and I'm dieing to kill someone. (seriously) so yea.....I think its for the best of my life.
I read all this and noticed something really lacking in your life...
AMBITION (You usually lose this or not even have one when you already have a lot of money)...People who have no goals usually turn to other things to focus on in their life. They end up feeling unsatisfied and empty. You can't just mend your life by patching it up with drugs, alcohol, and friends.

Find your goal and stick to it.


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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I read all this and noticed something really lacking in your life...
AMBITION (You usually lose this or not even have one when you already have a lot of money)...People who have no goals usually turn to other things to focus on in their life. They end up feeling unsatisfied and empty. You can't just mend your life by patching it up with drugs, alcohol, and friends.

Find your goal and stick to it.

you know....I seriously think your right. I've never thought of it that way.

but seriously....Thanks for the thoughts..its good enough to able to ask personel questions without idiots attacking you over it.

@ bret - well man if it was easy as that I would of done it a long time ago...take for instance masturbating..say you've been masturbating for like what? 7 years now? Try stopping. Same concept. I've come to depend on these things temp fix myself. Like when I wrote this I was sober. I just broke down and went a bought a bag and now I'm happy and cheery again. That's how I know I have a problem. I'm miserable when sober. Too bad rehab doesn't help. But I was talking with a guy at the hospital today and he was telling me about this new drug (opbendent?) sounds like that but basically it puts a cap on the part of your brain that make you require drugs to be happy. I'm seriously considering this as it also works with depression.


Jul 11, 2003
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If weed makes you happy.. just smoke it


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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btw, glowpole, isnt this your second rant about your life? You said you were going to change things up. You didn't, and it really is disappointing.
I know right? goddamn it. well....i tried anyways =/. It wasn't really ranting more like thinking while typing rreally


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 7, 2003
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I fully agree with Jim. Seriously dude, has it ever done you wrong? I believe Lil Wyte put it best when he said "How many times have you heard of it causin a heart attack or givin someone a tumor? None! I said it, not a one. Zero, zilch, nodda, zero. Ill take a motha****in pound to the head I'm a stoner, call me the ganja hero."

It's not harmful to you. There's hundreds of thousands of people who smoke it daily, and they're fine. That's my opinion of it, and before anybody tries, I'm not gonna turn this thread into a debate about the effects of weed.

If you're battling with harder drugs, which I can totally relate to, then your depression is understandable. I've come to hate certain drugs because of what I've seen them do to myself and people close to me. Just thinking about them pisses me off.


Jul 11, 2003
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I agree with sweaty completely
theres nothing wrong with weed =]


Retired Staff
Aug 16, 2002
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I'll have to agree with Quicksilver, but I wouldn't go with military route. It's probably the easiest way as you'll have someone directing you from start to finish, but is it really what you want to do? Killing people for a paycheck, at this point it wouldn't be protecting. It could help, give you time to figure things out.

I can't really help you as I don't see much reason for anything. Survival is a second thought, if you have a job you're really just working for consuming. You work to purchase objects, drugs, entertainment not to eat. Unless you have a family or have another reason (goal) you're just living an empty, consuming, life.

I'm no help, you're probably already fashioning a noose after reading this. :(

(I'll also agree that Marijuana is fine, ditch whatever else and don't take anti-depressants!)


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Sky diving is suppose to help people with "mid life crisis" type dealies. You could also bang why skydiving.

Dark Mistress

Is a nasty little tart...
Jul 12, 2005
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Hiding in your closet...
I read all this and noticed something really lacking in your life...
AMBITION (You usually lose this or not even have one when you already have a lot of money)...People who have no goals usually turn to other things to focus on in their life. They end up feeling unsatisfied and empty. You can't just mend your life by patching it up with drugs, alcohol, and friends.

Find your goal and stick to it.

I don't agree with the "weed doesn't hurt", bit you guys are feeding him...



Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
Welcome to Stoner America. Weed doesn't hurt, all those poisonous chemicals stored in your brain fat are actually GOOD for you.

But seriously, Brad. You do need some direction. Even if I've never done an illegal drug in my life and can't relate to your drug dependancy, I CAN relate to the feelings of aimlessness and desperate need of a hobby or something to give me some focus.

My advice, just try a bunch of assorted things...painting, writing, building, sculpting...anything that requires focus and is healthy for your creative side. I'm sure you'll find that a lot of it just doesn't hold your attention, but eventually you'll find something that surprises you by becoming something you're really interested in.

Find something you love, that you can dedicate yourself to and excel in. The feeling of pride at being good at something you love is a wonderful thing, and it can heal you in a number of ways.

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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school, take a few gen ed. like one? go go

Dark Mistress

Is a nasty little tart...
Jul 12, 2005
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Hiding in your closet...
Welcome to Stoner America. Weed doesn't hurt, all those poisonous chemicals stored in your brain fat are actually GOOD for you.

But seriously, Brad. You do need some direction. Even if I've never done an illegal drug in my life and can't relate to your drug dependancy, I CAN relate to the feelings of aimlessness and desperate need of a hobby or something to give me some focus.

My advice, just try a bunch of assorted things...painting, writing, building, sculpting...anything that requires focus and is healthy for your creative side. I'm sure you'll find that a lot of it just doesn't hold your attention, but eventually you'll find something that surprises you by becoming something you're really interested in.

Find something you love, that you can dedicate yourself to and excel in. The feeling of pride at being good at something you love is a wonderful thing, and it can heal you in a number of ways.
Well said, pookie... o_<



Nov 16, 2005
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Learning a music instrument is ment to take your mind off things. I learnt to play synth keyboard a while back, been playing since. When im completely stuck lyin in my bed nothing to do but roll a few an watch movies it really takes my mind off things. Especially when you mix the three together..

Quicksilvers right, goals just seem to get rid of the boredom completely, its weird man.. And if you achive them too quickly, then set yourself some new harder ones. Keep your head up bro, boredom is evil..

Ah yeah an quit hatin ganj, the world would be a boring place without it..

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