D2jsp vs. Jed 2.0

D2jsp vs. Jed 2.0

  • D2jsp

    Votes: 27 65.9%
  • Jed 2.0

    Votes: 14 34.1%

  • Total voters


Sep 20, 2002
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East Coast
fake packets please explain this because i thought if u clicked and ran and if u just send a packet and run bnet wont know the difference (use run as an example)


Oct 25, 2002
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(i would compare more directly if jed.diabloworld.com worked...
[20:24] *** Unable to resolve jed.diabloworld.com)

DoS attacked by (proven) JSP people.

I won't comment any farther. Most of you people are clearly single-minded 13 year olds, bitches of whoever made which program.


Dec 16, 2002
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Geneva SUI
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im wondering about ro0t, he setup up this amazing (sticky) post for setup of JSP , and now his all against it ?



Jan 29, 2003
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Originally posted by hello11234
i agree with mywimpy Jed i think is better than jsp because i think it is alot more stable than jsp and it can recover many other issues that Jsp had on my comp and i think Jsp is faster than Jed but i think that if u go like 800 runs 10 more runs wont get u a wf
You confuse the flashy gui interface JED has to the scripter.d2h. d2jsp.d2h is WAY WAY WAY more powerful. The GUI for d2jsp has some things it can be improved uppon, but we are scraping the whole gui and d2hackit idea here in the next release or two. We are going to combine the gui and the core and not use d2hackit anymore. This will allow for javascripts to control EVERY aspect of the game, logging in, joining channels, trading, spaming, createing games, createing characters... everything... expect more from d2jsp, its clearly more powerful then JED will ever hope to be.


Jan 29, 2003
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Originally posted by ro0t
(i would compare more directly if jed.diabloworld.com worked...
[20:24] *** Unable to resolve jed.diabloworld.com)

DoS attacked by (proven) JSP people.

I won't comment any farther. Most of you people are clearly single-minded 13 year olds, bitches of whoever made which program.
lies.. no one from d2jsp DoS attacked DW. The website said they where moving to another server. You even lie bad.


Jan 29, 2003
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Originally posted by hello11234
fake packets please explain this because i thought if u clicked and ran and if u just send a packet and run bnet wont know the difference (use run as an example)
Quick lesson on how JED and d2jsp works.

JED intercepts and decypers raw battle.net packets. Doing so has some problems, you have to know what all these cryptic packets do. Alot of research and study went into the packet decyphering and theres plenty of docs out there that explain what the packets do, but some packets like the item packets are not completely understood yet.

JED, to do anything, has to fake packets to both the server and to the client (your copy of d2 running.) This makes the game and the server think that the player has done something to make it move or do whatever.

Faking packets is the sure fire way to get tagged by blizzard, they are looking for malformed or incorrect packets sent by clients, also looking for packets comming to fast to the server. Also packet structure is EASY to change in client patches, thus makeing the JED team have to start over again in decoding packets.

Also by just watching for packets, JED has to store all that packet data in memory so the javascripts can have access to it. This causes JED to use alot of memory that really isn't needed, since all this data is already stored in the d2 memory space. Also JED will load up the data from the MPQ's and has some large stored variables of data in the core its self (look at the size of scripter.d2h and then at the size of d2jsp.d2h, HUGE difference.)

D2jsp, works entirely differently, It hooks into the memory space of D2, and accesses the stored variables and functions there. This allows d2jsp to not have to look at one single packet, which it does not do, it allows the game to normally proccess the packet and then accesses its data from the memory space, no worries of decoding it wrong or whatever.

D2jsp does fake a few packets, because njaguar didn't learn all the function calls to make the game send packets. But this is his current goal to remove all fake packets, hes making GREAT progress, even findng the click functions and other things that make the game think the user clicked there mouse. The game handles all thresholds and buffers for packets, thus makeing it IMPOSSIBLE to tell if a legit user is doing the action or a bot, since all packets are 100% legit.

D2jsp, also with access to the memory space truely knows everything that the game knows. It can access all magical modifier values on an item, tell you what % mf or any detail about the object. With JED the best they can do is tell what prefix/suffix the item has.

D2jsp uses FAR FAR less memory and is infinitely more stable. If a bug is detected its patched usualy within the same day that the bug was found. And only *RARELY* is a bug patch needed. The CORE is greatly stable.

When you look at the differences, and there is many, its clear to see that the better product is d2jsp. With less resouces and memory used, with much better features and functions, its really no contest or question which one is better.

The question is, which one is easier to setup. That would currently be JED, they spent alot of there development time in making it as n00b friendly as possible, which makes it real easy to get going for people who lack basic computer knowledge.

D2jsp is a little more technical to get going, more files you have to edit, and no nice graphical interface. But after all d2jsp wasn't designed with n00b computer novices in mind, it was designed with power and features in mind.


Jan 29, 2003
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Originally posted by Misterwhippy
sometimes its not the bot thats stable its the computer running it. my old computer could only do 500 games in a row, then itd start lagging out alot. On my new one it has done 2000 games in a row and not had any problems.
This is likely an issue with JED and not 100% the os's fault. JED just eats memory.... :-\

Originally posted by sin316
thats a know issue :p

it also happends with win98 , cause it handles the ram not good enough.
win95,98,me all suck ass for memory managemnt. But it dosn't help to run a memory hog program like JED either. If running JED causes your computer to die after so many runs then its an issue with JED causeing it to keep useing more and more memory.

One likely cause is the status log box, if it dosn't cut the log to so long, and it keeps getting larger and larger, then eventually the program will exaust all memory space and crash the OS.

Theres other internal things that this can happen to, like a packet buffer, or something of that nature.... Just makes you wonder how well JED is programed if it does such a thing.

The old old old GUI for d2jsp made by Tang0, did have a memory issue, it was the status log window, it kept growing and growing untill the program crashed. The newest gui is quite stable and has no memory issues, same with the core.


Jan 29, 2003
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Originally posted by Misterwhippy
it wasent just JED's problem. my computer used to die after 2 days of being on...
fun fun.. :)

This computer i'm on now (1ghz, 512 ram) used to die after a few days with the factory installed win me. Pissed me off... So i upgraded to XP Pro, and with the exact same proccess load i used to put it under can go weeks and weeks before something bad happens. Usualy its just a program that crashes in such a way that i have to force a reboot. I don't think i've gotten a single memory error yet. XP handles memory ***MUCH*** better, I like it much.. :)


Dec 16, 2002
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Geneva SUI
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yeah , win xp handles ram better then any other windows did before. and best of all , it doesnt crash windows , if a game crash etc. so im sure i could let run the bot for weeks (e.g. go to holidays 1 week , come back and have ur lvl 99 char ready :p


Dec 14, 2002
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my post exceeds the 10k character limit so i am making it two posts

/me hands raeky a wet paperbag to continue to fight with himself

my god man you are still so full of yourself.. personally i find the opinion of the users more important than someone who is the front man for a project that doesn't even use it and who hopes that it will just eventually kill d2

Kasslloyd (10:08:41 PM): we will get a complete diablo bot built
Kasslloyd (10:08:48 PM): i will push for networking of bots
Kasslloyd (10:08:58 PM): then the bots will always remain in the top of the ladder positions
Kasslloyd (10:09:06 PM): cause they will accurately simulate a player
Kasslloyd (10:09:11 PM): that will be the goal
Kasslloyd (10:09:27 PM): and there is no way to determine if this is a sleep deprived person
Kasslloyd (10:09:28 PM): or a bot
Kasslloyd (10:09:37 PM): :)
Kasslloyd (10:09:39 PM): fun stuff
Kasslloyd (10:09:43 PM): ruin 1.10
Kasslloyd (10:09:45 PM): thats my goal
herzgo_zwei posted on your forums, something that you did not like... it was the fact that d2jsp could not "rules all" and that certain things will always require the use of packets.. the example he used is the drophack protection which would, in the end, rely on a packet to be able to prevent the drop.. since d2jsp is all about memory.. that is something that could -never- be written into the core.. but it can in JED

a little history

d2jsp is borne from spite out of two key people that were banned by Thrawn from diabloworld. The whole intent of njaguar is to kill me, dw and JED

it started of hailed as the big opensource project that everyone at blizzhackers was cheering for... they did not want to support the "closed source" JED.. it turned out really that our source was on sourceforge, but as it was unreleased progress, it was not known to the public where it was.. syadasti posted the link for us, much to the delight of the d2jsp project.. our code was free for the taking, development and criticism

while JED was being developed, a script was given to d2jsp which had the stashing and item filtering already in it.. of course it was a great idea, so it has made it into the d2jsp project and released in another beta after acknowledging that they were great ideas... all during this, it was a one way slugfest about anything with me personally or dw and always about JED and
dw.. just stop by their forums and search for diabloworld or morg.. you can make your own minds up

anyone that knows anything about game code knows that it works server to client. In that, i mean, that the client has to tell the server what it is doing and the server acknowledges it.. this is done through packets.. everything is done through packets and if there was not a packet in the game, d2jsp would not be able to run...

you see packets are sent when you enter the game, so before d2jsp throws them in memory, they have already been acknowledged by scripter.. if you want to see of d2jsp send packets to the server - i'd like the know what fake packets are sent by jed ;) - just simply run d2monitor and log the packets.. you would be greatly amazed at what you will find.. they do the same thing.. send packets

a fake packet would be something like was used in an exploit, recent examples would be the gold duping where packets were sent that said "sell this item from my belt" another good example would be the imbue dupe where charsi was told to dupe an item from the cursor that wasn't there.. jed doesn't do any of those things, it mererly interacts with the server the way that a human would do.. the only thing that is not directly a command is the keyboard button to close the stash

the pathfinding in scripter is based on A* code.. code that began with pacman.. artifical intelligence.. as opposed to djisktra's which says :i need to get from this room to this room, what way can i find it" A* says "i need to get from this room to this room.. here is the best way to do it" .. It actually reads the tiles from the memory to build the map, so it is very capable of teleporting or walking.. we released with the teleport feature only and taylorjohnl continues to develop it as of this writing

how very interesting that a module for d2jsp written from A* code was released by a user because of the better pathfinding abilities.. from the last i heard, it was being considered for the Complete Diablo Bot.. taylorjohnl began to work with JED when he grew tired of the fact that njaguar refuses to release his code, despite that they claimed open source... taylorjohnl actually set up a sourceforge project for d2jsp bots he intended to develop, but that never came to fruition based on the choices made by njaguar

i find it disheartening that the project that began item handling is being told it could not do compare to d2jsp.. the item handling is JED is excellent.. you can keep anything that you want that can drop from the game..

you can use the *_Vars.jed scripts to set up what you want to filter, or you can just write one simple line of text in the SpecificItems.jed file

your example was as such

Can you pickup charms and only keep the good ones? 7%mfsc, or a 20 life sc? No you can't you can keep the charms based on there prefix/suffix only.
in the SpecificItems.jed you merely put these lines
AddSpecificItemFilter("Charm Small", "Any", "Vita");
AddSpecificItemFilter("Charm Small", "Any", "Good Luck");
or you can be really nitpicky and go through your Small_Chamrms_Vars.jed and simply turn on and off numbers to what you want to keep

eg.. to keep a shimmering small charm of vita you merely have to give a good math rule
var Shimmering_SC = 4;	// 3-5 All Resists
var SC_Of_Vita = 4;		// 16-20 Life
you can use the *_Vars.jed files to fine tune every drop

if you wanted to pick up all magic ammy's in hope of finding one with max mf% it is two math functions - either add to 4 or keep at 4
var AMU_OF_Luck = 4;            // 26-35% MF
var Fortuitous_AMU = 2;        	// +11-15% MF
or simply in your SpecificItems.jed
AddSpecificItemFilter("Amulet", "Fortuitous", "Luck");
or what about people hoping they will find a cruel item in their drops, they can set it to pick them up in their pickit-items.jed and set the value in the right *_Vars.jed file
var Cruel_WPN = 4;              // +201-300% Damage
var WPN_OF_Evisceration = 3;    // +41-63 to Max Dmg
var WPN_OF_Quickness = 2;       // +40% IAS
as long as the prefix and suffix adds up to 4, you will filter and keep it

now you can do this for -any- item that can drop, including any charged items as well - always handy to have an amulet of teleportation when you are a barb!.. everything is laid out really simple and with the complete resources all on the official site

The way that JED scripts are written now are based on includes.. that means that you have the entire base of the script prewritten for you and creating any killing script became much easier.. right away scriplettes were written to shop Larzuk, print your inventory, open a cow portal and best of all, a mule alive script to burn in your mules. script writing for everyone became less menacing in the fact that it is easy for the common person to write scripts.. most of the work is already done

i think if raeky actually spent any time going through the documentation for JED he might see that JED does indeed do many of the things that he posted in links - i will not list them.. this is long as it is.. the major flaw in raeky's point of view , he clearly stated
I have no plans on running JED2, or even the newest versions of d2jsp. I just will set back code php scripts, put down JED and release the installers for d2jsp and update documentation... Thats my job.
it is of my opinion that in oder to make an informed decision.. one should be informed.. saying that he knows all about the differences in the two when it's easy to see that things he states are wrong simply by reading the documentation

the coders of JED pay attention to what the users want, and never before has it been made clearer than with the release of JED 2.01 with realm down protection. Now should blizzard decide it wants to give you a rd, JED will detect it, and simply wait.. users asked for more randomness in joining game times, they met that need and also provides the option to run so many games or so many hours

2.01a adressed the issue of log files as well as the common problems such as not choosing a script.. the overall user friendliness of JED seems to be something that is looked down upon.. when it comes to the users opinion, that's what they wanted.. and that is what they got


Dec 14, 2002
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the one thing that the d2jsp project has yet to live up to is the fact of opensource
Kasslloyd (10:29:44 PM): required to release?
Kasslloyd (10:29:45 PM): heh
Kasslloyd (10:29:59 PM): he dosn't want to release it because he knows that jed will get a magic face lift
19:57:34 <MorgDoingStuff> does this mean you are not going to open source?
19:57:38 <njaguar> course it is
19:57:49 <njaguar> me and mike are writing up a license for it
this would imply that the code is released as per license
2: You may distribute copies of the SOFTWARE and works based on the SOFTWARE without cost to the recipient provided the following conditions are met:

c: You must include the full source CODE to the SOFTWARE or work based on the SOFTWARE;

e: You must clearly mark any modifications to the original SOFTWARE or its source CODE, showing who made the changes and on what date the changes were made;
here are the requirements from two projects that the code is in d2jsp
//Mousepad's Diablo II Maphack v4.4 (v1.09d)
//Derivative works to be distributed for free with full source and full credits (ie dont blame me)
//© 2001-2 mousepad - mousepad@forward.to
// This program is Copyright (c) 2002 by Mike Gogulski <mike@gogulski.com>

// Syadasti's open-source human-readable software LICENSE
// This code is freely redistributable, provided that all credits and
// copyright notices are preserved.
// You may use this code in your own software without restriction, provided
// that your software is distributed with complete source code.
// You agree by making use of this code that whatever problems you experience
// as a result are your fault, and yours alone.
the quiet whisperings of syadasti's leaving the project - and d2hacking - lie in person differences with key people at d2jsp.. i am not here to spread rumors, i just find it odd that a key player in the project would leave without telling the others, and having them seen it posted on their forums.. syadasti left and open criticised JED for not opensourcing.. his code is kept where it will not released and he has openly stated that he will not release it - despite the fact that he uses code that requires it
http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=ST&f=42&t=1902&st=25& [Page 2]

It is true, that at the start it was open source. But I later came to realize that open source would only hurt the project (JED would steal the shit, for one). Not to mention, see my point above about my pure hatred for ****ers that try and exploit bnet bugs, hack other people, etc.

I still play D2 from time to time (when my cable modem isn't a WHORE), and I don't even use maphack. I don't cow run, I don't bloody run, I play from Act 1 to Act 5, clearing every act and <gasp> the game is balanced to handle that, without needing to stop and repeat easy levels. I even start with no items, and only use what I find.

Anyway, this is off the point, d2jsp won't be open source any time in the foreseeable future, and this is purely my decision, so as such, unfortunately no one has any choice and/or say in the matter.

Open source doesnt mean closed development. In case you haven't noticed the huge kickass versions of late.
http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=ST&f=42&t=1902&st=25& Page 2

This depends greatly on many unknowns. If d2jsp fulfills my ultimate goals for it (Ie, I get it done), probably not. If it falls by the wayside and I don't care about it? Yeah, I'll release the source.

Basically, I don't know if and/or when it'll be released
seems that the "**** you" is also directed at the authors of the code that he uses without following their license... maybe morals mean nothing to some people, but integrity is what JED is based on..

something new is "Sexy New Suite Of Apps For Donors Only" located at this thread http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=ST&f=28&t=9832& the programmers of JED continue to put out quality projects and support programs and have never once looked to have their cookie jar.. they get it from the users, whom they program for.. there are currently a few more apps in the programming stages that will come out, with no strings attached

JED 2.0 was designed with safety in mind.. not only for the user, but also for the realms.. pickit.jed and snagit are very much the same thing with two different names and two different projects.. JED decided to keep the pickit name but not the same packet spamming method.. JED interacts with the server on ease... rather than putting more resources into the game creation for 15 second runs, JED takes the greed out out of the equation and allows for a responsible load on bnet.. we may all be botting, but JED takes responsiblity for it's part, and takes the extra precautions to guard against detection by random game creation time as well as total randomization

That "flashy" gui has been used or tried to be used by people in the d2jsp project and it became very clear when people reported that they got shut down trying to use it.. it is propriatary to scripter and it will remain so.. the instructions on how to hex it came from key d2jsp people and really.. the point was made that the "flashy gui" was what they preferred to use

now this has been a horrendously long post, but i felt it necessary to meet many of the comments made as they were made from those who should really try to have an informed opinion rather than pot calling the kettle black and insinuating they were too "stupid" to use d2jsp

when it all comes down to it, it is the user that makes the decision and if the programs are coded for them, it will make them happy... some people prefer a solid setup and safety.. others care about fast runs and script functions most will never use.. JED has the users as the best interest and i will make sure that always happens.. same goes with safety and responsibility..

i'm not using this post to say "d2jsp sucks" as it has been done in other posts.. it is my hope that anyone reading this will have a better idea of what is real and what is assumed and said.. i will not use this post to crow, just to simply say.. if JED does what you want it to do, then i'm happy to know that you find it your choice.. there is far more to JED than an illinformed opinion of someone who either has never looked at JED and it's capabilities or run either bot in it's current version

it's all up to you.. i won't ram JED down your throat.. i'll leave the opinion shoving to the other project's spokesperson in this thread.. the coders of JED uphold the integrity of honest coding in the fact that their work is published with full credit to the authors.. if all you care about is more more more.. by all means.. pull up at stool with the other project

btw: the next shopbot is being written explicitedly as a JED module.. expect to find more of those being developed for the general public


and raeky.. i left your wet paper bag at the top of the first post.. that is all the arguing you will get from me - as always


Feb 6, 2003
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Can someone give me the link, where I can dl the d2jsp bot? I only find the side, where I can dl Pwnage Pindle 1.58a, but there is written, that I need d2jsp. The link to the side is so full and with my poor english knowlege I have no idea, where the dl link can be :(


Dec 1, 2002
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In my opinon both bots are really good but if I had to pick 1 bot i would pick JED 2.0 because it is easier to use and has a more user friendly environment :) . although JSP has many options and is a very fine bot , though it is rather difficult to get used to and is harder to edit the script.

Just My Opinon

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