Thought i'd be helpful, here is the explanation.
Yesterday, on August 11th, a virus took the world by force by exploiting a known problem with windows.
It affected hundreds of thousands of computers in a matter of hours, including my own.
The symptoms for the virus include:
Your computer shuts down without reason
Parts of your operating system fail as a key part of windows is given invalid instructions and crashes (svchost.exe on windows 2000)
It opens many ports on your computer and is transmitted to computers not running a firewall.
Details from symantec can be found at: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.blaster.worm.html
There is an update patch to fix this exploit in windows 2000 and XP, but I'm not clear on how it spreads on windows 9x systems (Microsoft claim windows ME is not affected, but I'm not convinced).
Here is the link for the microsoft bulletin describing the problem (No patch for windows 9x... don't know why seeing as the virus appears to affect these systems). --
There is also a security tool on the symantec site for searching and eradicating this virus - be warned it can come back if your computer is not secured.
If you could help me out, as ive given an explanation, lol. By Going here and helping me.
Yesterday, on August 11th, a virus took the world by force by exploiting a known problem with windows.
It affected hundreds of thousands of computers in a matter of hours, including my own.
The symptoms for the virus include:
Your computer shuts down without reason
Parts of your operating system fail as a key part of windows is given invalid instructions and crashes (svchost.exe on windows 2000)
It opens many ports on your computer and is transmitted to computers not running a firewall.
Details from symantec can be found at: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.blaster.worm.html
There is an update patch to fix this exploit in windows 2000 and XP, but I'm not clear on how it spreads on windows 9x systems (Microsoft claim windows ME is not affected, but I'm not convinced).
Here is the link for the microsoft bulletin describing the problem (No patch for windows 9x... don't know why seeing as the virus appears to affect these systems). --
There is also a security tool on the symantec site for searching and eradicating this virus - be warned it can come back if your computer is not secured.
If you could help me out, as ive given an explanation, lol. By Going here and helping me.