((Okay, okay. ::smacks self and raises hand:: Also forgot about the RPR. Anywho, I haven't the time, energy, or drive to read the preceding posts. Sorry, I don't mean to insult the obvious work some of the posts must have taken. I'll RP my trap, then leap into whatever room the majority of the group is in.))
Reiko heard a slight click. A second later, a huge spike exploded from the wall on his right. He leapt backwards just in time to avoid being skewered. Then, the room echoed with the same metallic sound. Two spikes crossed in front of him with enough speed to send his hair flying back. The were mere inches apart. I can't just wait for them to stop. I must get to a door now! Looking before him, he decided it would be safest to continue to the opposite side of the room. Placing his feet on the spikes in front of him, he kicked off, only to land on the wall a few feet behind him. It was as if time was moving slower. Spikes to his right and left slid from their hidden recesses, rocketing towards him. He pushed off the wall, narrowly avoiding the blades. He slapped the flat of his sword off of the two spikes he had kicked off of, sending himself into a backflip. Spikes continued to erupt form the walls, hissing through the air, passing mere centimeters from Reiko. The floor fast approaching, he pulled out of his backflip, finding himself facing the way he had come. Two more spikes came at him fast, level with his head. Using the momentum of his fall, he performed another backflip, springing off of his hands and continuing to the wall. Spikes were impaling the air all around him, barely missing him. Near the far wall, and his goal, the door upon it, a spike clipped his shoulder, throwing him off balance. It caused him to misjudge the distance between his hands and the bottom of the wall. When he thrust himself backwards, his feet came in contact with the wall. Improvising, and not liking how his plan was ruined, he pushed off the wall, aiming for a lone spike jutting out of the wall. Grabbing it, he spun around it, launching himself at the door. The spikes were closing in. He was having trouble with the door. It finally opened. He slid through with just enough time to avoid the last of the blades. Almost. As he went through the door, the last spike clipped his left arm. The armor was enough to prevent any serious damage from such a glancing blow, but the entire arm went numb, with possibly a broken bone or two. He fell, sprawling on the floor of a blue room. Feeling the prescence of others near by, he pulled himself to his feet and readied himself for combat, his left arm dangling useless. Before him stood Vergil and Naraku. "...who are you...and what is this place?..." he said, almost silently, maintaining his defensive stance.
((Okay, I'm back in the game. By the way, J'kar, nice Werepyre avatar. AQ is a good source for picture material, isn't it? Anywho, Reiko can't really talk, but for the purposes of this thread, he'll talk, albeit in a whispery, undead-ish voice.))