Create your own race/units


New Member
May 10, 2006
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Name:Riflector Tank

Race: Terran
Supply: 3
Build Time: 1 min
Special ability: this unit have a permanent special ability, like the devourer(acid), it's consist in: if any ground enemy unit shoot to this tank, the they shoot return to them, and cause the same damage of the unit that have this shoot, this ability not work with the shoot a short ray(like zergling, zealot, dt ecc...), and also not work versus air damage and obviously not work versus special ability(like yamato, broodling, storm ecc)

Name:i still thiking

Damage:continuous impulse emitted from the tense hand in orizzonatal line( continuous damage 3 per second, short ray and no air damage)
Special Ability: this unit have the ability of teleport, with 125 of energy, he can teleport itself in any location of a map
Special Ability cost: 200 Min/200 Gas

this unit born from the death of the zealot, this unit also can be killed only with the contact with special ability(like allucination ability of HT)or whit arm (mine and scarab).this involves that the zealot have new up-grades, for generated this unit when it is dead.

UP-Grade cost: 200 Min/200 Gas

for a new unit zerg you should wait for, because they are the most difficult :D
May 10, 2006
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Unit: Gargoyle
Race: Terran
Weapon: ATA LasersATS Lasers
Armor: 3
Cost: 250 Ore 100 Gas
Role: Heavy Air support
Notes: Multiple gun turrets on bottom fire lasers. Great for air cover. Can be upgraded with:

-Double Mounted Lasers

-Improved Thrusters

Name: Lunger
Race: Zerg
Damage: 8(melee)
Armor Type: Light
Armor: 1+1 per upgrade
Role: Medium melee attacker
Cost: 125 Ore 25 Gas(Hatch from Zergling)
Notes: Hatchs from Zergling. Black and slightly larger than a Zergling. Lunges with upgrade.

-Selective Breeding. Increases speed and allows leaping. Within a certain distance.

Name: Tunneler(If you have a better idea, please tell me :bugeyes )
Race: Zerg
Damage: 0
Armor Type: Medium
Armor: 1+1 per upgrade
Role: Tunneler(The name says it all :sly )
Cost: 200 Ore 125 Gas(Hatch from Lurker)
Notes: Digs a tunnel network for the Zerg. pretty nofty for breaking and entering through the floor. Several other abilities as well:

-Foxhole. Hides in the ground until a unit comes. Kills the unit and converts it's health into energy for the Tunneler.

-Undermine. Unermines a building till it collapses through the ground.

Am I the only one on this site?:hxc

Ok, I've got some more unit/race/gameplay ideas! Here's a few of 'em!

Zerg: A melee air unit, that's kind of like a mutalisk, but with long claws and big black wings!:lucifer Here's some stats:
Mineral cost:150
Gas cost: 100
Population cost: 3
Attack: 16, +2 per upgrade
Armor: 2 +1 per upgrade
Also a giant worm that burows under ground and eithe eats unsuspecting prey such as marines etc. It should also be able to go underground and come up somewhere else (more about this later). It would make a great campaign ambusher. Here's some posible stats:
Mineral cost:250
Gas cost: 200
Population cost: 5
Attack: 27, +1 per upgrade
Armor: 3 +1 per upgrade

Ok, now I've got a few gameplay ideas, here's a few of 'em:
Certain units such as Lurkers and thoses worms (I haven't thought of a name yet, if you have one, please tell me :halo ) should be able to tunnel to different spots on the map. The farther away the longer it takes to finish the tunnel. BUT! You shouldn't be able to unburrow from creep. The other races should have other ways of stopping burrowers, maybe the Terran should be able plate their territory to stop subterranean invaders. Maybe the Protoss could build some sort of force-field between multiple pylons. I dunno for sure.
Uh-oh! My ride's here! I'll post again soon!


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Terran Desolater

HP 100
Armor 2
Supply 3
Attack - Radioactive Cannon -> 25 damage
Cost 25 ore, 150 gas.

Simply put, an anti biological unit. It will do double damage to any biological unit it attacks. It however, is immune to its own cannon.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Race: Protoss
Class: Main support - fighter
Type: Ranged
Name: Patron
Cost: mins:75 gas: 150
Hp: 150
Armor: 2
Supply: 2
Attack: Air and Land =25
Attack speed: fast
Cloaked: yes
Weapon: Anti-matter particle beam rifle.


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
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Race: Zerg.
Class: Colony Support Juggernaut.
Type: None.
Name: Deciever.
Cost: mins: 200 gas: 200
Hp: 300
Armor: 5
Supply: 4
Attack: Air and Land = 0
Attack speed: None.
Cloaked: No.
Weapon: Spawn Swarm Air.

Baiscally, the Deciever is a big moving infested tower like unit. You 'plant' it at a target area, and it produces creep, aas well as a airborne virus that attaches itself onto enemy units armor or skin, and lowers its defense by 1. You can get two upgrades to increase the defense lowered. >:D


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Race: Terran
Class: Commando
Type: Infantry
Name: Ghostalker
Cost: mins: 200 gas: 200
Hp: 80
Armor: 2
Supply: 1
Attack: Air and Land = 15
Attack speed: Average
Cloaked: Can be.
Weapon: Guass Rifle

Power: Researched at covert ops attachment: Cloak and C4 charge (only gets 1). Effect: Instantly destroys one building after 10 seconds. Can be removed by a worker.


Agna Deus, Qui tollis peccata uni
Jan 2, 2006
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uhh ima pull something out of my a$$
Race: Protoss
Class: Support Gunner
Type: Infantry
Name: Psi Gunner
Cost: Min- 150 Gas- 100
HP: 100
Armor: 0
Supply: .5 (i like that)
Attack: Air: 10 Land: 15
Attack Speed: SOMEWHAT Fast
Special abilities: Psi Boost ( like stim pack )
Weapon: Low-Power Psi Gun

wow that sounds lame

Pains Requiem

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
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It's actually kinda cool to see that some of these ideas are being used, such as the gundam and the bomber for terran. Wanna use this to keep it up, but with Zerg now since they are the only thing missing?


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
Zerg Specter
Ground unit
Minerals: 100
Gas: 200
HP: 25
AR: 0+1xGround Carapace
Attack: anti-ground melee, uses claws to take quick swipes at ground target. 12 damage +2xMelee Attack level.
Special: Blends in with surroundings with a highly evolved chameleon effect that results in the Specter seeming to be cloaked similar to a Ghost or Dark Templar. This effect is permenent, but sensor systems can detect its heat signatures and reveal its location. Excels at scouting missions or guarding resource nodes.

Upgrades: Ground Carapace, Melee Attacks, Growth Hormone (200M/200G, gives Specters +15 HP)

Zerg Gorgon
Air unit (Upgrades from Queen)
Minerals: 125
Gas: 175
HP: 150
AR: 2+1xFlyer Carapace
Attack: Ranged, spits a group of 6 living bombs that find their targets independantly. 10 damage +2x Flyer Attack level.
Special: Queen that has undergone a hyper evolution and now uses her children as direct attackers against air or ground targets.
Upgrades: Flyer Carapace, Flyer Attacks, Final Genesis (300M/300G, when a Gorgon is killed, it splits into two smaller creatures named Gorgon Spawn that are essentially flying Zerglings)

Pains Requiem

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
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north carolina
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ha i like the gorgan


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
Gorgon would be fun, no doubt!

Zerg Hunter
Ground unit
Minerals: 150
Gas: 150
HP: 80
AR: 1+1xGround Carapace
Attack: Melee blade attack for 8+2xMelee Attacks.
Special: When ability has been researched, the Hunter can quickly take to the skies and fly over obstacles or attack air targets with a melee blade attack for 12+1xFlyer Attacks. Transition from ground to flyer and flyer to ground is very quick, allowing the Hunter to swiftly close in on any prey.
Upgrades: Ground Carapace, Melee Attacks, Flyer Attacks, Dread Flight (allows Hunter to fly).

Zerg Phantom
Ground unit
Minerals: 100
Gas: 200
HP: 30
AR: 0+1xGround Carapace
Attack: Powerful melee claw swipe for 40+2xMelee Attacks.
Special: When motionless, the Phantom looks like a natural part of the landscape and is treated by enemy units as would a cloaked or burrowed unit and will not be attacked unless a detector is present. Upon moving, it reveals itself and becomes recognized as a target by enemies, and usually upon discovery is quickly killed. Phantoms serve as excellent guardians for resource nodes or choke points, but are ineffective for outright combat due to low HP.
Upgrades: Ground Carapace, Melee Attacks


BattleForums Junior Member
Mar 4, 2005
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Altair IV, pre-nano Plague
Little did Kerrigan’s enemies know this, but at the end of the Second Zerg War, also referred to sometimes as the “Brood War,” Kerrigan’s Zerg had been pushed to their material limits. By the time of the final battle on the space platforms above Char, Kerrigan was quite simply out of time, and out of reinforcements for the immediate future. She won, but in the end barely.

Thus, by the end of the battle, Kerrigan began the consolidation of her forces on Char, and the retreat of her remaining Broods throughout the Koprulu Sector. She realized that such a circumstance must never happen again, that of the head of the Swarm being put in such risk, but the numbers necessary to ensure immediate victory and security in the future would take many years to undertake. In addition, Kerrigan was still strengthening her psionic powers so as to further benefit the Swarm, another task which could be accomplished much easier if she pulled back her forces.

So the Zerg…left. Across the Koprulu Sector, empires and disparate peoples and worlds sighed in relief and began to rebuild, though the leaders of said governments knew full well they would eventually return and planned for such an event. Kerrigan began the expansion of her forces, and the slow strip-mining of all of Char’s resources for the task. She sought to expand the total power of the Swarm, from the couple of dozen Broods that the Overmind had entered the Sector with and a total Zerg population in the high hundreds of billions each, to hundreds of Broods with trillions of individual Zerg each. This would take time and of necessity the resources of an entire world, and also a loosening of the Overmind’s original near-infinite control and the restrictions thereof to the Swarm.

Kerrigan, seeing the rewards as infinitely more worth it than the risks, began removing the genetic blocks on her new Cerebrates regarding certain activities of the Swarm. The Cerebrates became smaller and more self-sufficient, and possessed of very limited movement, though they were still the size of a small trailer and could only move as fast as a Reaver. Most importantly, Kerrigan removed the blocks regarding genetic enhancement of her Broods to their more deadly, evolved forms. Whereas before only Kerrigan could enhance her Broods in this way, now the Broods had more autonomous control, rendering the individual forces of the Swarm infinitely stronger than before.

Zerg: Infantry

Devouring One—The Devouring One is the enhanced version of the Zergling. It possesses Class 1 armor plating, and deals 10 base damage with its numerous razor-sharp claws and teeth (10 cooldown). In numbers Devouring Ones are worse than any Zergling could be. They are meaner and far more aggressive, if that’s at all possible, especially in numbers.

The Devouring One can mutate into a Baneling anytime.

Upgrade: Metabolic Inducers—Devouring One’s movement 2x.
Upgrade: Adrenal Glands—Devouring One’s cooldown halved.
Upgrade: Burrow—unit can burrow underground.

(50 HP)

Baneling—Banelings are swollen sacs of explosives with legs, essentially. Mutated from Devouring Ones and still coated in Class 1 armor, Banelings roll towards their targets at decent speed, impacting the target and then exploding. Deals over 65 explosive damage in one blast, and these things are meant to be used in numbers. Ouch.

Banelings have replaced the need for Infested Terrans, as used during the Zerg Wars.

(75 HP)

Hunter Killer—The Hunter Killer is the backbone of the new and improved Zerg Swarm. Descended from the Hydralisk, Hunter Killers are coated in Class 1 armor plating, and fire explosive spines (15 damage, 15 cooldown) from ridged grooves in their shoulders at hypersonic velocities, speeds high enough to penetrate a 2ft.-thick plate of high-grade industrial Neosteel armor. Their accuracy is uncanny, and can target both air and ground targets with over an 80% chance of a successful strike to aerial targets. They also possess a new formidable melee attack (10 damage, 25 cooldown), though that is not their primary purpose, but is due to their razor-sharp scythe-shaped arms and their newly-enhanced aggressive tendencies.

Hunter Killers can mutate into Lurkers anytime.

Upgrade: Burrow—Unit can burrow underground.

(100 HP)

Unclean One—This is an enhanced Defiler. As such, it possesses the same arsenal of biochemical attacks like Defilers wield, but in addition now possesses a weak lightning range attack (10 damage, 5 range) as well as Class 1 armor plating. Much like a Terran electric eel, Unclean Ones can fire electricity from their claws and appendages at other targets. Useful as a deterrent.

Upgrade(s): Dark Swarm, Plague, and Consume—Same as with SC1 Defilers.

(150 HP)


Lurker—The Lurker is an evolution of the Hunter Killer, and as such is an extremely formidable creature. Created to kill masses of ground units, Lurkers shoulder spines have mutated to more than three times the size and possesses thick Class 2 armor plating. The Lurkers burrow underground and fire volleys of barbed razor-sharp spines (25 splash damage) that can rip through the ground out to several dozen meters (7 range) and skewer anything in its path. Since its evolution during the Zerg Wars, Lurkers have become even nastier, their barbs traveling over 1.5x faster though the ground. Lurkers can evolve the Shrapnel ability, as well, making their attacks even more formidable.

For all of the Lurker’s potent ground attack, it has no defense against air attacks at all.

Upgrade: Shrapnel—When a volley of spines has reached out to the maximum range it can, the spines explode and spray razor-sharp shrapnel everywhere. The shards are large enough they pose a serious threat to ground traffic, as any unit walking over the patch of ground where the shards exploded will start receiving small amounts of damage (5 damage/second while in the patch affected). The shards disintegrate after 2 minutes.

(150 HP)

Nydus Worm—The Nydus Worm is on the few new units created by Kerrigan since the Brood War. Nydus Worms are a variant of Nydus Canals, but instead of a stationary building burrowing, it is a large tube-shaped creature wrapped in Class 2 armor; it can contain over 40 Devouring Ones, or 4 Torrasques, or a combination of both. Nydus Worms are undetectable until they breach the surface of their target, rearing up and then opening its mouth, allowing its passengers out. Once there the Worm is beached, and will stay there until it dies or is killed. It can upgrade the Thorns ability.

Upgrade (Passive): Thorns—The mouth and head of the Nydus Worm are lined with rows of razor-sharp poisonous thorns, causing 20 melee damage to any unit that approaches with 3 radius. Zerg units exiting the mouth are not affected, as the thorns point outward.

(250 HP)

Ultralisk—Ultralisks have remained essentially unchanged from their status as living tanks. They possess Class 2 armor plating and cause 25 damage via one swipe of its two monomolecular-edged tusks. Ultralisks have no air defense, and as such are helpless unless they receive reinforce-ments or Burrow.

Ultralisks can evolve into the Torrasque or Hyperlisk forms at any Hive.

Upgrade: Burrow—This unit can now burrow.
Upgrade: Anabolic Synthesis—Ultralisk movement is increased by 2x. Applies to Torrasques.
Upgrade: Chitinous Plating—Increases Ultralisk armor by 2. Applies to Torrasques.
Upgrade: Trample—40% chance that Ultralisk will crush a random unit. Applies to Torrasques.

(350 HP)

Torrasque—Torrasques are the heavy-assault versions of Ultralisks. Originally only able to be created as an extension of the Cerebrate itself, the Torrasque can now be grown like a normal unit. It is not particularly an “enhanced” version of the Ultralisk, just an incredibly nasty cousin.

Torrasques possess Class 5 armor, the only land unit out of all the factions to do so. It deals over 50 damage with its monomolecular tusks, similar to the Ultralisk’s but much sharper and larger. However, due its slightly increased size it has reached a boundary where it can’t Burrow. All other Ultralisk upgrades apply, though.

(700 HP)

Hyperlisk—Hyperlisks are a bizarre cross-genetic pollination with both Hydralisks and Scourges. Hyperlisks are Ultralisks with Class 2 armor plating that grow super-large monomolecular tusks that are shaped like “boomerangs.” The tusks then break off and are thrown/catapulted into the air at the target. Like Carrier Interceptors, the tusks after inflicting damage (12 damage each, 10 range) come twirling back, and are either repaired if they were damaged by the Hyperlisk’s natural secretions which can act as a fix-it-all glue, or if too damaged they are consumed and new tusks are grown to replace them.

Hyperlisks can attack both air and ground targets. They can evolve the Spew ability, as well.

Upgrade: Spew—Hyperlisks can sneeze this hyper-adhesive glue from their nostrils onto a patch of ground or a group of units. On the ground it stays until units walk over it and get stuck, their weapons work but they can’t move. On units it disables their weapons AND they can’t move, rendering nice snacks for the Zerg passing through. Only works on ground units.

(600 HP)


I'll post the aerial vehicles in a second post. Not sure what the post limit is.


BattleForums Junior Member
Mar 4, 2005
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Altair IV, pre-nano Plague

Yggdrassil—The enhanced version of an Overlord, Yggdrassil are effectively the same, just stronger. They still detect cloaked enemy units, and still transport friendly units. They are in possession of Class 1 armor.

Upgrade: Antennae—Yggdrassil sight and detection range extended by 2 (10).
Upgrade: Wings—Small wings increase Yggdrassil speed by 2x.

(175 HP)

Kukulza—The Devourer was purged from the Zerg ranks once the Second Zerg War had finished. Kerrigan felt that the Devourer’s weaknesses were too great, and so eliminated it in search of worthier combat units.

The Kulkulza is an enhanced Mutalisk with Class 1 armor that has had some abilities of Devourers inserted into its genomic code. Tougher than a Mutalisk, it also has more damage (10 damage) and splash damage, hitting 4 targets instead of the former 3. When it attacks air targets, the glave worms become coated with acid that does ¼ less damage than a Devourer did but the units fast cooldown (15) makes up for it.

(100 HP)

Guardian—Guardians have remained much the same from the Brood War, except since they are now derived from the Kulkuza, Guardians have 1.5x more HP, Class 2 armor, and also possess a limited version of Dark Swarm to deploy against massed opponents.

Dark Swarm: smaller than traditional Dark Swarm, clouds of flesh-eating insects are deployed from the Guardian’s skin. In addition, the Guardian spews a virulent form of flesh-eating bacteria. Together, they cause 5 damage/second, while also causing the effects of traditional Dark Swarm. 5 range, 4 radius, costs 100 energy.

(225 HP)

Scourge—Scourges are the same as they were during the Brood War. They possess 25 HP, and cause 125 damage. Scourges also possess Class 1 armor plating, though against the superior weapons of the Zerg’s enemies this doesn’t help much.

(25 HP)

Matriarch—The enhanced Queen of later Zerg broods, Matriarchs possess Class 2 armor, and are the same as Queens just stronger. Matriarchs can deploy Parasite, Ensnare, and Spawn Broodling, but can no longer infest Command Centers due to the evolutionary advancement of Banelings this is deemed unnecessary to the combat operations of the Swarm.

(175 HP)


Chimera—Chimeras are an attempt by Kerrigan to evolve a creature capable of withstanding the Swarm’s capital ships, which has entailed a unique and monstrous creation composed of the genetics of multiple creatures of the Swarm. Chimeras, as their name implies, are a horrific fusion of Kukulza, Guardian, Hydralisk, and Ultralisk. A dragon-like monstrosity with two massive wings and six smaller ones, a Chimera is approximately 150 feet long, weighing multiple tons. Six massive limbs disguise two retractable Hydralisk-derived spinal needle launchers (25 damage/launcher, 50 total), scaled up to actually punch through capital-ship plating. In addition, a Chimera spews a combination of glave worms and corrosive venom (35 damage, 5 damage/second), which can eat through even Neosteel and the combat alloys of the Protoss. A Chimera possess Class 5 armor plating, and can fire Scourge Storm. A Chimera can also engage in a devastating melee attack (50 damage/swipe), latching onto aerial targets and slashing at their armor with its massive claws.

Upgrade: Scourge Storm—A Chimera can coordinate pre-built Scourge to bombard all units within a 7 X 7 radius of a map. The bombardment lasts for 20 seconds, and the Scourge involved effect both air and ground units. This acts as a Zerg WMD, though limited in scope.

(400 HP)


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Vadriel said:
Zerg Phantom
Ground unit
Minerals: 100
Gas: 200
HP: 30
AR: 0+1xGround Carapace
Attack: Powerful melee claw swipe for 40+2xMelee Attacks.
Special: When motionless, the Phantom looks like a natural part of the landscape and is treated by enemy units as would a cloaked or burrowed unit and will not be attacked unless a detector is present. Upon moving, it reveals itself and becomes recognized as a target by enemies, and usually upon discovery is quickly killed. Phantoms serve as excellent guardians for resource nodes or choke points, but are ineffective for outright combat due to low HP.
Upgrades: Ground Carapace, Melee Attacks
The Mirage Tank in Red Alert 2 beat you to that.


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