Warlock: Next time, answer the ****ing question punk.
You are hereby BANNED for one (1) day of 24 hours effective immediately. Upon 24 hours expiration, you will be unbanned.
If at any time during the next 24 hours you give me "attitude" or send me or any other Moderator or Administrator a single IM or ICQ in regards to this banning, you will be banned for a week (7 days).
You choose. One (1) day, or seven (7).
Friends of Warlock: Warlock has been banned for sending me multiple AIM messages while refusing to tell me what BF account he holds. I can find out anyway, so why do things the hard way? When apraised of this, and the possible reprecussions for continuing to annoy me he then decided to threaten me...
An apropriate analogy might be like this:
Moderators are like Police Officers, (hereafter refered to as Police and/or Officer(s) in this analogy).
Administrators are like Judges (hereafter refered to as Judges and/or theLawâ„¢ in this analogy.)
People who AIM them are like suspects (hereafter refered to as suspects, and/or perps, and/or criminals in this analogy).
When the Police ask a suspect a question, the suspect better ****ing well give the Police a straight answer, or they risk being "incarcerated" until the truth and/or the consequences of their deception/non-compliance can be verified and the proper action is taken. The suspect will always think this is unfair, but often times compound their trouble in a number of ways including with threats and beligerence. The Police may ask them the same questions repeatedly hoping to avoid the paperwork necessary to give the suspect the invariable "slap-on-the-wrist", but if the suspect is adamant in his subterfuge, or even unaware of the consequences despite repeated warnings and explanations by the Police of the possible consequences of said suspect's actions then the Officer does his duty, arrests the perp (suspect goes from suspect to perp in the blink of an eye), and the Judge doles out the sentence. The sentence can be conditional, but it is always enforced.
One thing to note, is that in real life, in this analogy, and in the circumstances with Warlock today, as soon as the magic line between being lying/refusing to talk to the Police and threatening a Police Officer is crossed, the suspect finds himself on the "wrong side of the law". It's perfectly fine to refuse to talk to the police. It is perfectly fine to use your Miranda Rights and not answer the police's questions. However, in so doing, the suspect does not EVER have the right to threaten a Police Officer in any way shape or form. As soon as the suspect does so, he/she becomes a Perp and is charged with the crime.
The one difference between real life and the BF forums, the difference between my analogy and the way theLawâ„¢ happens around here, is that in real life, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty, whereas here in BF land, you will have your ass thrown in the clink, tried, convicted, sentenced and executed all on the same day, often within the same hour.
this one thing...i said I would and the other one it's part of a IM he send me.
i mean this guy even thinks he is funny?