Congratz America!


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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They said that the Election had nothing to do with race. Sadly, the day after the election, everything I saw and read was about race. I just hope Pres. Elect Obama doesn't make his race an issue and lose sight of the economic problems. Honestly, I could care less about helping the rest of the world for a little bit and just mainly stay focused on our country. Its time to stop putting our fingers into everyone's Koolaid.

I could have cared less about who got elected. As long as he gets my happy ass out of Iraq and not send me to Afghanistan (which he's planning on doing) I'll be a happy little clam. Also, if he takes away my family's or friend's 401k's (which he's planning on doing) I'll be an upset little clam. :(

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