Bite my shiny metal ass!
Congrats, CB. You're one step away from fulfilling your role in my master plan.
Which following Eric's example of a temporary admin, means CB is a keeper.[glow=black]Actually, his position is temporary[/glow]
I think this could be different. You're probably right though.:Cry:Which following Eric's example of a temporary admin, means CB is a keeper.
gigglededThe 'in with the good' happened, but when is the 'out with the bad' going to happen?
Pan yes...Souless no.Pan and SouLeSS...together with CB they could usher in an era of fascist prosperity.
I think you have "addiction" and "motivation" confused.He's got some temperamental issues, but SouLeSS has it in him to be a killer admin. He'd have things done HIS way, but a lot more stuff would GET done, and the forum would flow a lot better. He has a lot of "get-up-and-go" for all his faults.
What people don't seem to realize is the motivation behind why he's even still here...