Great then make it quick i'd like to check it out before you waste time on having done it (if it's not good... but it will be of course

Anyways, a i lil more on topic i'd like to explain some aspects of the game somebody may not understand.
1. Players do not choose 'races' they have the ability to make any type of tower they want and each tower can upgrade into a higher lvl of the same tower, new system that requires your hero to level up so you can get higher level towers.
Here are the towers, they are 'elemental' towers so each has a specific power associated with it (mixing towers is should be made as a top priority in the map)
Level 1 towers (available once you purchase a level 1 hero)
Cold - Slow enemies movement speed, lasts for 2 seconds
Fire - Permanent immolation of 10 damage per second
Level 2 towers (upgraded from level 1, reqs level 2 hero)
Cold 2 - Slows enemies, lasts for 3seconds
Fire 2 - Permanent immolation of 15 damage per second
Level 2 towers (once you get a level 3 hero)
Poison 1 - Poison that lasts for 4 seconds, 10 damage per second
Bird 1 - Only air, can auto cast web for 10 mana (has 30 mana)
Level 3 towers (upgraded lvl 2, reqs level 6 hero)
Cold Final - Slows enemies for 6 seconds
Fire Final - Permanent Immolation of 25 damage per second
Poison 2 - Poison lasts 4 seconds, 20 damage per second
Bird 2 - Only air, can auto cast web for 10 mana (has 50 mana)
Level 3 towers (requires level 6 hero)
Explosive 1 - Ground only, small splash
Mystic 1 - Magical attack, auto casts faerie fire for 5 mana, has 20
Level 4 towers (upgraded lvl 1/2, requires level 8 hero)
Poison final - lasts 5 seconds, 30 damage per second
Bird final - air only, can cast web for 10 mana (80 mana)
Explosive 2 - Ground only, medium splash
Mystic 2 - Magical attack, auto casts faerie fire for 5 mana, has 30
Level 4 towers (requires level 9 hero)
Healing 1 - can cast heal for 2 mana, has 60 mana (lets you block and if you have enough money to buy a healing tower, it can repair towers that are falling apart, very useful.)
Speed 1 - Very fast
Level 5 towers (requires level 15 hero)
Explosive final - ground only, large splash
Mystic final - Magic attack, casts faerie fire for 5 mana, has 50 mana
Healing 2 - can cast heal for 2 mana, has 80 mana
Speed 2 - Very fast w/ more damage
Level 6 towers (requires level 20 hero)
Fire Super - immolation burns for 50 damage per second
Cold super - small splash, slows enemy for 6 seconds
Poison super - poison lasts for 8 seconds, 50 damage per second
Bird super - Air only, casts web for 10 mana, has 100 mana
Explosive super - Ground only, large splash and faster
Mystic super - Magical attack that splashes, casts faerie fire for 5 mana, has 40 mana
Healing super - heals for 2 mana, has 100 mana
Speed super - Extremely fast, impaling bolt lets this tower hit more than one enemy
Final towers - (Requires level 25 hero (max lvl))
Blood tower - Can summon blood elementals for 20% of the towers hp, has vampiric aura
Water tower - Can summon water elementals for 20% of the towers mana, has some weird water aura
Death tower - All non undead enemies take an extra 20% damage from this towers attacks, all undead enemies are healed by this towers attack.
Wehn a players hero reaches level 25 the enemie levels should alternate undead/living