Christian Bale


Hi Friends
Feb 6, 2003
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I'm gathering that most people did not understand the article, which I found to be excessively factual and non biased. Anyway, some quotes to take away from the article in terms of this topic:
Bale was questioned by cops over allegations that he assaulted his mother, Jenny, 61, and sister Sharon, 41, during a dispute in his Dorchester Hotel suite. Bale denies any wrongdoing and has not been charged with a crime. But details of the July 20 incident remain sketchy.
Filming Terminator earlier this month, he reportedly got into a screaming match with a cinematographer.
Bale's relationship with his mother is more complex. The pair rarely see each other (a source says he made no effort to meet Jenny when she visited L.A. in '06), and although she and Sharon were invited to The Dark Knight's U.K. premiere, the reunion ended with the fight.
Other material-

Bale losing his **** on the set of the Terminator: Christian Bale terminator 4 goes nuts swearing shouting angry - YouTube


Oct 11, 2011
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Bale has problems with a part of your family? so what, is not nobody's business. is just between him and his family. and about terminator nobody is denying what happened and neither is new. happened three years ago and did not occur again. people should move on and stop using it against bale.


Hi Friends
Feb 6, 2003
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Bale has problems with a part of your family? so what, is not nobody's business. is just between him and his family. and about terminator nobody is denying what happened and neither is new. happened three years ago and did not occur again. people should move on and stop using it against bale.
Right, and I'm sure you believe Chris Brown should be excused for beating Rihanna as well. I mean that happened nearly 3 years ago right? Let's just erase that one from the books too.
Redirect Notice

The point isn't whether or not we have current and up to date accounts of Christian Bale acting aggressively. The fact is you demanded evidence of Bale being an asshole and out of line, and I provided you 3 accounts just from one article... and please, stop trying to suggest that because there haven't been any new and documented accounts in three years that he's magically changed for the better. He's not a teenager, he's past his mid 30s.


Premium Member
Jan 17, 2006
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MORE LINKS/ QUOTES.... loving this


BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 31, 2002
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Tonawanda BAby
Kolossal was that youtube sound clip real... that was intense.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Right, and I'm sure you believe Chris Brown should be excused for beating Rihanna as well. I mean that happened nearly 3 years ago right? Let's just erase that one from the books too.
Redirect Notice

The point isn't whether or not we have current and up to date accounts of Christian Bale acting aggressively. The fact is you demanded evidence of Bale being an asshole and out of line, and I provided you 3 accounts just from one article... and please, stop trying to suggest that because there haven't been any new and documented accounts in three years that he's magically changed for the better. He's not a teenager, he's past his mid 30s.
Sorry, you are wrong.

Chris Brown beat the **** out of Rihana. Bale shouted a bit.

Two completely different things, and if you paint them with the same brush because of it, you're the asshole.

Metal Gear Flash

Oct 26, 2002
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Lone Star State
Sorry, you are wrong.

Chris Brown beat the **** out of Rihana. Bale shouted a bit.

Two completely different things, and if you paint them with the same brush because of it, you're the asshole.
You're right. Chris Brown is an asshole AND and woman beater whereas Christian Bale is just an asshole.


Hi Friends
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry, you are wrong.

Chris Brown beat the **** out of Rihana. Bale shouted a bit.

Two completely different things, and if you paint them with the same brush because of it, you're the asshole.
No Pan, I am not wrong. Both are mutually unacceptable things to do in modern society. Just because one sparks more contempt from you doesn't mean my analogy doesn't work for both. Besides, I've already mentioned the allegations that Bale assaulted his mother. Either way, same ****, different person.


Premium Member
Aug 6, 2003
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Phoenix, Arizona
Idk what everyone's complaining about, when you're that hot, you can do stuff like that.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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No Pan, I am not wrong. Both are mutually unacceptable things to do in modern society. Just because one sparks more contempt from you doesn't mean my analogy doesn't work for both. Besides, I've already mentioned the allegations that Bale assaulted his mother. Either way, same ****, different person.
wow, you just equated physical assault with verbal assault.

Everything else you just said is completely invalidated.


Hi Friends
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
wow, you just equated physical assault with verbal assault.
I did not equate, I showed commonalities between the two and made a point that the analogy works for both. They are both called "assault" for a reason.
Everything else you just said is completely invalidated.
I'd probably say that too if I knew I had an insubstantial response for the rest of the post.


Oct 11, 2011
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first let's clarify one thing. I have never denied the rant or discussion of bale with his mother, only refuted the claim of a poster saying that there are numerous reports of facts like what happened in other times going terminator. maybe I have not expressed myself correctly, because my initial post referred to a statement that bale tends to act so ever. second, since when physical and verbal aggression are the same thing? simply is not. there was never any evidence or proof that Bale hit his mother. his sister said it was a verbal assault.

"Sharon Bale, 41, a driving instructor who lives in Poole, Dorset, says the incident was similar to an alleged verbal assault he unleashed on her at London's Dorchester Hotel before the Batman premiere last July. ... She said: “It's terribly sad. I feel for him. He seems to be incredibly stressed and angry at the moment. This sort of behaviour is totally out of character. I think he might need help. He verbally attacked us. He spoke in the same aggressive way he did to that lighting engineer. I wouldn't have minded so much but it was in front of my three children."

I could not post the source because the message appears "To be able to post links or images your post count must be 25 or greater. You currently have 4 posts."

and third
and I provided you 3 accounts just from one article.
what the third?
... and please, stop trying to suggest that because there haven't been any new and documented accounts in three years that he's magically changed for the better. He's not a teenager, he's past his mid 30s.
and you can argue otherwise?
MORE LINKS/ QUOTES.... loving this
links and quotes on the same case, as some posters have said that there were numerous reports of other cases like what happened in terminator. (I'm referring to movie sets, not to their family problems)


Premium Member
Jan 17, 2006
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first let's clarify one thing. I have never denied the rant or discussion of bale with his mother, only refuted the claim of a poster saying that there are numerous reports of facts like what happened in other times going terminator. maybe I have not expressed myself correctly, because my initial post referred to a statement that bale tends to act so ever. second, since when physical and verbal aggression are the same thing? simply is not. there was never any evidence or proof that Bale hit his mother. his sister said it was a verbal assault.

"Sharon Bale, 41, a driving instructor who lives in Poole, Dorset, says the incident was similar to an alleged verbal assault he unleashed on her at London's Dorchester Hotel before the Batman premiere last July. ... She said: “It's terribly sad. I feel for him. He seems to be incredibly stressed and angry at the moment. This sort of behaviour is totally out of character. I think he might need help. He verbally attacked us. He spoke in the same aggressive way he did to that lighting engineer. I wouldn't have minded so much but it was in front of my three children."

I could not post the source because the message appears "To be able to post links or images your post count must be 25 or greater. You currently have 4 posts."

and third what the third?
and you can argue otherwise?
links and quotes on the same case, as some posters have said that there were numerous reports of other cases like what happened in terminator. (I'm referring to movie sets, not to their family problems)

I'll work to get you permissions to post links


Hi Friends
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
first let's clarify one thing. I have never denied the rant or discussion of bale with his mother, only refuted the claim of a poster saying that there are numerous reports of facts like what happened in other times going terminator. maybe I have not expressed myself correctly, because my initial post referred to a statement that bale tends to act so ever.
I took what you said to mean that you hardly knew of any events that pointed to Christian Bale acting outrageously. So yes, either you failed to explain yourself properly or I misinterpretted you.
second, since when physical and verbal aggression are the same thing? simply is not. there was never any evidence or proof that Bale hit his mother. his sister said it was a verbal assault.
You appear to not have read my response to that exact question above. I'll quote myself for you, "I did not equate, I showed commonalities between the two and made a point that the analogy works for both."

"Sharon Bale, 41, a driving instructor who lives in Poole, Dorset, says the incident was similar to an alleged verbal assault he unleashed on her at London's Dorchester Hotel before the Batman premiere last July. ... She said: “It's terribly sad. I feel for him. He seems to be incredibly stressed and angry at the moment. This sort of behaviour is totally out of character. I think he might need help. He verbally attacked us. He spoke in the same aggressive way he did to that lighting engineer. I wouldn't have minded so much but it was in front of my three children."
I'm glad you've been able to find more backing evidence that Christian Bale acts erratically.

and third what the third?
In my statement I provided three quotes. All were pertaining three separate incidences. Two deal with family problems and the third illustrates what happened on the set of The Terminator.


Oct 11, 2011
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Thanks CrazyKooK
link below

Christian Bale's sister says actor needs help to deal with temper | News

throughout my posts I think it was clear that I was questioning the assertion that there were several other incidents like the case terminator, yet it was unclear in the first poster

You appear to not have read my response to that exact question above. I'll quote myself for you, "I did not equate, I showed commonalities between the two and made a point that the analogy works for both."
no is not the same thing. a heated discussion is not the same thing while the physical aggression that you mentioned.

I'm glad you've been able to find more backing evidence that Christian Bale acts erratically.
what is said in the article is nothing new (in a heated argument that bale has lost control, but no one knows for sure why). as I said before was a family discussion, which did not involve physical violence, and is not nobody's business. honestly do not think anyone is up to judge the behavior of bale in his personal scope, in addition to your family and friends, as I'm sure you would not want their personal level of actions judged by strangers.

just thought wrong someone say carelessly that bale has a bad reputation in Hollywood due to numerous behaviors set as termainator the case, and stating that this is coming from actors, actresses, Producers, executives, people on set and have worked with such That hin in the past. when in fact I've only seen praise from people from the art.


Hi Friends
Feb 6, 2003
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no is not the same thing. a heated discussion is not the same thing while the physical aggression that you mentioned.
Yes, I know. I've made that abundantly clear.

what is said in the article is nothing new (in a heated argument that bale has lost control, but no one knows for sure why). as I said before was a family discussion, which did not involve physical violence, and is not nobody's business. honestly do not think anyone is up to judge the behavior of bale in his personal scope, in addition to your family and friends, as I'm sure you would not want their personal level of actions judged by strangers.

just thought wrong someone say carelessly that bale has a bad reputation in Hollywood due to numerous behaviors set as termainator the case, and stating that this is coming from actors, actresses, Producers, executives, people on set and have worked with such That hin in the past. when in fact I've only seen praise from people from the art.
There are a lot of things that the paparazzi shouldn't publicize yet they still do. As a celebrity people need to watch their step just a little more carefully. Case and point the conglomerate of negative publishings about Christina Bale ranging from his family issues to his career put him in a negative spotlight. Whether or not he really is or isn't as out of control as some media may try to portray him is up for speculation and the only people that will ever know for sure are himself and those closest to him. Either way, it would be in his best interest to learn from these mistakes and not repeat them, and I hope he has.


Oct 11, 2011
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There are a lot of things that the paparazzi shouldn't publicize yet they still do. As a celebrity people need to watch their step just a little more carefully. Case and point the conglomerate of negative publishings about Christina Bale ranging from his family issues to his career put him in a negative spotlight. Whether or not he really is or isn't as out of control as some media may try to portray him is up for speculation and the only people that will ever know for sure are himself and those closest to him. Either way, it would be in his best interest to learn from these mistakes and not repeat them, and I hope he has.
finally agree on something

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
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Want links and **** to all the accounts of him bein an asshole?

google "Christian bale is an asshole".
or "christian bale is a dick"
or "christian bale rage"
or something similar.

I'm a huge comic dude, so naturally when Batman Begins was starting I was checking out all the info I could find on the net. And since then I've been keeping up with what he's doing cause he's a great actor. And over these what, like 8 years or some ****, I've come across dozens of various reports on various websites from various sources about various dickheaded things he's done. Am I going to try and remember what any of them are? No, because I couldn't give two ****'s more than I've already given typing this drawn out reply.


Oct 11, 2011
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which I know before the 2008/2009 bale did not have that reputation. so I think that if bale had that reputation before it would always be brought to the fore.

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