Girl, well women weren't really respected in Japan. But it can be someone's wife. Like then lets say Yamamoto or however you wish to call him comes back from war to his house and sees his wife. They can have a couple of dialogus. Cultural aspects, well you should know that the samurai leave to serve their emperor, so if they do something agaisnt his will they gonan have to kill themselves. They also valued honor a lot. Just make up a story, include only, decide on your cahracters and plot and then just write. I am telling you 3 pages isnt that much, you probably gonan have a hard time to end it after the 3 page, logically. The main character may comit suiside becasue of dishonor.
How about this:
first main char is a loyal samurai leading the army against the rebels. Then he realizes that his ways are wrong and joins the rebels, then he goes home meets his wife, and then goes back to rebels. He wins a battle or two and is finally captured, after that emperor orders him to commit harakiri, or suiside by sticking a sword in your stomach and cutting your organs. That how story should end, i think. But you might have better ideas. Imagination is a good thing, use it.