I have 800 dollars at my disposal but i'd like to keep a budget of 500 or less if possible. I'm currently using a Dell Dimension Desktop 2400 with an 80 gig upgraded harddrive. I don't know the specs but they are quite bad. Could someone help me set up a good list so I could play FPS like UT, BF 1942, and other really good first person shooters. I know I need some more memory, I currently have 256, and I need a better vid card, mine is using Intel Graphics Extreme which is actually embaressing. Those 2 are my necesseties. The only problem is I have no idea if my motherboard supports AGP or not. So far, my list is more Ram, a better vid card, and possibly a new mobo. Next I would guess would be a faster/bigger harddrive, or a faster processor, whichever is more important for gaming. If you could actually "take me by the hand" and tell me what's good to get, what's not, while keeping in mind my 500 dollar budget, it'd be great. Thanks in advance! :wavey