Once Terran camps somewhere with bunkers, siege and battlecrusiers, its incredibly hard to overcome, with anything! Especially if they toss in a detector or two in there.
Not at all, a do you forget the power of spellcasters? Storm, Plague, DarkSwarm, MaelStorm, SpawnBroodlings, MC, and the list goes on, 8 Hydras and 8 Lings under DarkSwarm would screw that combo up.
It can still be hard, siege tanks deal splash damage to all units under dark swarm. The best counter for a terran who is bunkering in is to kill him early.
AK is right. Even under darkswarm, units die from Siege tanks as if they were nothing. I think Disruption Web would be a nice counter...that or 6 queens doing spawn broodling.
To cast broodling on a walling terran is hard, since he will have loads of bunkers and turrets... Disruption web can be very good if u use it correctly, but i think u should just try to kill him before he gets his wall up, or if that fails, take the entire map and make guards or carriers.
Spawn Broods is ez. You would need Goliath support on your tanks or your bunkered marines and turrets will deal minimal damage. Maximum of about 70-100. Queens have 120 hp, dont forget upgs if they have any
Well...I could send in two mutalisks, then send in the queens, then guardians and devourers from the front. While he's focusing on that, I'll send in a swarm of mutalisks from the side, straight for his cc and workers.
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