Well this thread does have some good and not so good points. I personally live in the U.S. and I have lived in Kansas for my whole life, but I still have seen other places. Anyway...one thing that people should remember about Canada is that they don't have all the military and other things because they don't have as many people. Mainly because the location is farther on the higher latitudes so it so many of its locations don't seem like good places to live. I mean not everyone wants to live in the cold. Most of the population is toward the southern parts of Canada. As for wars, they have been caused by those few radicals in society that want change. For example Napolean and Hitler had very radical ideas and they got supporters and an army to back them so they were able to go to war. Now days Sadam and Osama have done the same thing in their countries. I like Canada, I believe it to be important, in fact, when the U.N. has done some of its bombings in the Middle East, I know that the Canadian Air Force helped in that effort. A sport I know that Canadian teams are good at is hockey, you guys are great, and just the other day I saw some Mexican hockey, and it was hilarious. It was so bad it was like a junior high game here. I do support the U.S., and we have a large military because we can and also it is needed in the world today. This is an unfortunate fact, but we must face the fact that some there are still countries today that do not have peace, and those countries want help sometimes. Another thing is that some of the other countries like China and Russia sometimes are questionable on what their intents are. I have tried to become a pacifist in my lifetime and I have more or less suceeded, and perhaps their would be no need for any of us to have military or to bicker over who's country is better than who's. Everyone has their view and usually the people who are the trouble-makers are the ones that make it harder for us to live together. We can have equal rights but not everyone has the same ideas and abilities so we should just forget about it. It also depends on what type of life a person lives in their home lands and that affects their patriotism or lack there of. Well anyway, that's some stuff for you guys to think about. Oh, I almost forgot, wars have helped the economy many times to address what you said SkuZZy, the Depression was happening before WWII and afterwards it was no longer a problem. But that still is no excuse for war, it is terrible and hopefully one day we can put an end to it all.