Canadian & USA Bashing


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
Originally posted by Flaming_cows
well i think....
scratch that, im not going to get involved, im just going to say i found this all very funny and slightly disturbing at the same time
i agree, want some popcorn?
lets watch and see what happens
*takes out lawn chair and popcorn popper*
*munch munch munch*


Sep 14, 2002
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Modesto, CA
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so its better to strip mine the landscape than cut down some tree's that you can just replant huh skuzzy? and i dont care what you say. the other 99% of the worlds contries are not gunna switch from paper money to coin because canada say's its better for the earths environment.

actually what WILL eventually happen (and is happening already) is physical money that you carry around will just disapear completely. no paper, no coin, no nthing. you will have your thumb print in a database and that thumbprint will link you to all of your accounts. and when you want to buy something you just press your thumb against a pad and then you pick which account to withdrawl from and it takes it from that account.

as for war. we have george bush in presidency. you know daddy's leaning over his shoulder saying "you need to finish what i started son".

we will goto war. george bush will do it with or without the support of the UN.

1. because his daddy wants him to.


2. because war is good for the economy.

and if the economy is down. you loose re election. if its up you win re election. right now the economy is really bad. and war would make it better. and george wants to be president for another 4 years.


Premium Member
Oct 2, 2002
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In da ghettos somewhere
THis world is da hole!!!

Who cares who has da bomb, who uses da peace, who uses democracy, who uses some form of government i dont know................Were all gonna die somday and end up in da same damn hole we came from so y u all fighting like kidz? we all bleed, die, eat, sleep, sweat, hump, reproduce, and all dat other shit.

Cant believe the dayz where just bein human was good enough are gone now. All i can say for now is dat modern society is a S*** hole


Retired Staff
Jul 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Aris
2. because war is good for the economy.
Tell me how war would be good for the economy? Don't you remember the depression in USA when WW2 was going on? Don't you remember the stock market plumeting when WTC got hit? The reason the UN doesn't want to work with Bush is because the UN sees the world as a peaceful country and USA is the only country in the world that still wants war and still spends the majority of their resources building bombs and training soldiers. What does that say about you guys as a part of society? Also, if USA won't even start a war without the UN backing them. Do you even know what the UN is and what it represents? Get your facts straight.


Oct 7, 2002
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****y ass town
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i realy dont want to get i this bu think for a secont say in like 50 to 100 years for we know u.s.a and cannada could no longer be around and ya it is just alittle stupid to fight over what contry is strounger because in the end if the was a war over it the world would come to an end because of the nucks what as i recall 12 nuck would destroy the world and in all there are over a million easy i think russa and usa hav like 100,000 alone and i know i will be b@#!h at later for what i think


Oct 7, 2002
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****y ass town
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ok i missed this post be war is bad for the econamy it cost more money to have a war than to stay out of it but we seam prity good at geting into onter peples bussnes and f@#!ing every thing up


Socialized medicine seems like a great idea. We just cant handle anything that says "socialized" at the beginning. Damn Canadians searched my truck everytime we crossed from Detroit. I asked em why and they replied "Tx plates, its either guns or drugs." Well I left all my guns in Austin and Canadians have much better weed, hash too. The dumbass border guards asked me if I ride bulls....not all Texans are cowboys...I prefer eating cows not riding them. You know if it werent for my family I'd be bashing Canada mom is Canadian.


BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 11, 2002
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okay paper money does come from a renewable resource, but how much do we renew? hmm?

i'm staying away from the rest. i don't like bashing canadians, i mean why? every country has its faults, and everyone has little mannerisms that annoy other people. that's life.


Oct 21, 2002
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ok.. i sat here and ate some popcorn and read about this stupid Aris/Ares whatever this morons name is, talking about USA dominating the world, yes im canadian no i dont say Eh! i hate all this bullshit with people saying we live in igloos and shit... get over the stupid comments and think smart, if you are normal you wouldnt bring up dumb comments about stuff said about liek 30 years ago... well thats my way of thinking about i...USA is a wonderful place! poor thing it got bombed, but aside from that ive done my research on warfare... and technically Americans are one of the most well trained soldiers in the world, but Americans spend too much worrying about war , spenind all their money on Defense and stuff.. if you think about it... they could be spending that money and better stuff that could benefit for the future.... well thats what i have to say!



Oct 21, 2002
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USA vs Canadian Bashing

This post is from the thread "usa against canadian bashing" ok.. i sat here and ate some popcorn and read about this stupid Aris/Ares whatever this morons name is, talking about USA dominating the world, yes im canadian no i dont say Eh! i hate all this bullshit with people saying we live in igloos and shit... get over the stupid comments and think smart, if you are normal you wouldnt bring up dumb comments about stuff said about liek 30 years ago... well thats my way of thinking about i...USA is a wonderful place! poor thing it got bombed, but aside from that ive done my research on warfare... and technically Americans are one of the most well trained soldiers in the world, but Americans spend too much worrying about war , spenind all their money on Defense and stuff.. if you think about it... they could be spending that money and better stuff that could benefit for the future.... well thats what i have to say!


Originally posted by Aris
hey at least we dont say "eh" after every sentance. or say "aboot" instead of "about"

Originally posted by Aris
yeah your a peacfull country cause you got us protecting your ass's. least you could do is be thankfull. you got the only superpower left in the world on your backdoor with the most powerfull and technically advanced army in the world. you know what it would be like if we fell and wasnt around? check out the countries bordering the former USSR. complete chaos, and constant uprisings and civil wars. thats what would happen to this country as well as yours if we werent around anymore.



Oct 21, 2002
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ok placebo lol that had nothign to do with my post you crack addict heheh, jp what do you think on this Aris guy talking likes he full of himself with USA, serioulsy USA is great but this guy was like "who cares if every other country hates us, we have the bombs not them" thats just pure gay!


Oct 21, 2002
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Originally posted by Aris
we dont really care if other countries hate us or not. cause they cant do shit about it anyhow. we got the bombs. not them.
just remember that next time you think canada has any say so in the world society.


Sep 5, 2002
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Wichita, KS
Well this thread does have some good and not so good points. I personally live in the U.S. and I have lived in Kansas for my whole life, but I still have seen other places. thing that people should remember about Canada is that they don't have all the military and other things because they don't have as many people. Mainly because the location is farther on the higher latitudes so it so many of its locations don't seem like good places to live. I mean not everyone wants to live in the cold. Most of the population is toward the southern parts of Canada. As for wars, they have been caused by those few radicals in society that want change. For example Napolean and Hitler had very radical ideas and they got supporters and an army to back them so they were able to go to war. Now days Sadam and Osama have done the same thing in their countries. I like Canada, I believe it to be important, in fact, when the U.N. has done some of its bombings in the Middle East, I know that the Canadian Air Force helped in that effort. A sport I know that Canadian teams are good at is hockey, you guys are great, and just the other day I saw some Mexican hockey, and it was hilarious. It was so bad it was like a junior high game here. I do support the U.S., and we have a large military because we can and also it is needed in the world today. This is an unfortunate fact, but we must face the fact that some there are still countries today that do not have peace, and those countries want help sometimes. Another thing is that some of the other countries like China and Russia sometimes are questionable on what their intents are. I have tried to become a pacifist in my lifetime and I have more or less suceeded, and perhaps their would be no need for any of us to have military or to bicker over who's country is better than who's. Everyone has their view and usually the people who are the trouble-makers are the ones that make it harder for us to live together. We can have equal rights but not everyone has the same ideas and abilities so we should just forget about it. It also depends on what type of life a person lives in their home lands and that affects their patriotism or lack there of. Well anyway, that's some stuff for you guys to think about. Oh, I almost forgot, wars have helped the economy many times to address what you said SkuZZy, the Depression was happening before WWII and afterwards it was no longer a problem. But that still is no excuse for war, it is terrible and hopefully one day we can put an end to it all.


Oct 7, 2002
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****y ass town
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sad to say ther will never be an end to war peple just cant get along and u are right about what u sead cannida is a good contry i have only heard about so far but it soundes nice and all most any contry can be peicfull but there will always be one preson that will start truble we will just have to learn how to deal with them when it happens

and to what aris sead ya it all ready happened my school got this new computer that u ponch in a pin number and it pulls up your accont and it atomaticaly pays for your lunch as long as there is money in there not bad it makes the line go quick to bad the lunch lades are so stupied


Oct 23, 2002
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within the swirling darkness of the Netherworld, w
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Okay, Im an american. I want to tell all of you why our army is so damn big. America has this nasty habit of getting in other countries' business...The Korean Conflict and Vietnam War are two good examples. We feel like we have to tell evereybody how to run their lives, and we feel that we have to have a huge influence on how they run their country. Now, for us to "cover" for everyone, we feel that we must have a huse ass army that is capable of massive war. now, I have one question, if our army is so big, why are we sending like 0.5% of it to Afghanistan? Ill tell you why, we are too arrogant. Until that enemy of ours drops that new Hydrogen bomb right on our heads we will feel that we are untouchable. Now, I think that the Canadians have a good idea, if you try to make peace with as many countries as possible, and not f*** in their affairs, then you will be much better off. however, you guys really need a slightly more powerful army, as when you fight an enemy with no morals(like thew middle east)then they dont give a crap about how peaceful you are...


Oct 26, 2002
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Las Vegas
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Bah... your all ****in canadian pussies. the only reason ANY country would go to war with us... jealousy... i will leave it at that, there is no other reason... we have everything that all countries dont. and all that talk about cuttin down tree's and shit. we plant more tree's in one day than u lazy ass canadians do in one year. the only reason we have a big army is because we have loyal, patriotic citizens among our country.. sounds like school... anyway. i just wanted to say a lil bit about this convo..


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