So this morning I stop in at Battle Forums to see what all your complaining is about - you know, the endless drivel about being banned from websites & so on...
What do I find? A whole bunch of you limp. lame, stupid BawlBaby Haulers over there raising heck on a young-teens game site.
Jeeze, just how inane and pathetic are you people? I can only imagine the PM's flying back and forth. "Hey H.C.Trouble, let's go flame a kiddie site until they ban us, then we'll complain about being banned" - your buddy BumSpud.
You've all probably had restraining orders slapped on you from elementary schools who want you to stay away from their playgrounds too. But that doesn't make you big, tough and worthwhile, it only makes you pathetic little sociopaths.
Feel free to respond with all kinds of your predictable little insults and name-calling farces. Then sum it up by saying stuff like, "Owned" "Plonked" or "Spanked."