Awesome Pikachu post, really funny for Left 4 dead fans.
I see some people are whining because I started posting posts and now everyone is doing it as well. To be honest, I am happy I made the contest enter the failblog spirit because now this is finally on the right mood -> it is funny =D
But don't worry, although failblog is really good.... I still have other tricks. Today I will try posting jokes and images from
demotivational : newest photos photos 1-20 of 20943 photos
Because expecting to win this single Sc2 is statistically impossible, the only thing we can do about it is ... laugh and have a good time!
So... The police that shot this guy is a chobo because he totaly missed the other side of the head ...
Or ... the police that shot this guys is a chobo because with such a stylish shot, he should definitely be a hair man.