@Moderators: Feel free to split this post into another thread in Chit Chat. Sort of taking this thread into another topic, hence my double-post to make it easier to split posts up here. Please call the thread something like "Greece' youth riot over teen shot by police".
@Gally: So it's my opinion that sometimes American journalism can either be biased towards our country's best interests, or have a very detached perspective of the situation, mostly just stating facts about whatever's going on.
From what I've read however, it all started from some youths throwing rocks at a police patrol car. When they got out of the car, they were about to throw a molotov when one of the cops shot and killed a 16 year old boy?
To tell you the truth, if that's somewhat accurate of what happened, I have a feeling American journalism would sort of make the kid out to sound like a juvenile who had it coming. I know if someone was going to throw a molotov explosive at a cop here, they'd do the same thing, and say it was in self-defense.
Not saying I disagree with what's happening over there, I just feel like I must be missing some huge cultural thing over there for so many youths to be rioting. Care to help me better understand what's happening?