Phate agreed to do an interview rather than join the forums, because he doesn't like responding on Forums. I couldn't do it right then and there, because I'm sure you'd want it to be good, and yesterday he was busy with homework, so there's the 1 day, and the day I mentioned it that have passed since then.Originally posted by N_LeGeNd)
god.. i hate ppl who thinks they are all almighty good and arent even ranked in solo..... some dont even have good micro..... i want my old micro back..... can you all stfu and close this thread because all you will do is argue who is best..... you can all discuss who won in 1v1 in pm or AIM..... too bad torubu and darkmage arent fighting anymore, not much reason to eat more popcorns..... ughh wheres those good ppl you said you would bring in torubu..... and to all of you, all the good ppl in bf are only known in bf..... ughh i sound like torubu back in old days..... prove me wrong if u think you are the best war3 player ever..... bah wheres my popcorn!?!?!? (goes to buy more)
oh hi (eats more popcorns)
I was jus mumbling about you ppl fussing over who is best war3 player!
anyways in bf i still think pan or aragorn is, rest of us suck.
oops swooper is
not all of us suck tho, most are descent prob.
That might help boost our user base.Originally posted by Torubu
Phate agreed to do an interview rather than join the forums, because he doesn't like responding on Forums. I couldn't do it right then and there, because I'm sure you'd want it to be good, and yesterday he was busy with homework, so there's the 1 day, and the day I mentioned it that have passed since then.
And I see little reason to argue with Dark Mage because it was proven to him that I can beat him. He can't really act like he's better than me.