I was quite lucky tho. They were about to lockdown, EMP, and then "scourge" my shuttles, but i also recalled medics w/restoration, high templars for hallucination, and the most useful-->DAs. They feedbacked those ghosts&vessels, mind-controlled the battlecruisers, and mael-stromed the scourges. Quite useful, but i was a little lucky...
Remember my TerranZerg 20-strategies list? I got one for TerranToss (not that anyone might need it, but then again..)
*Arbiter Stasis/Nuke trick :shoot
*Arbiter/Bunker Defense trick

*Medics+ShldBatteries for full healing
*Battlecruisers+Carriers (the only capital ships in all starcraft)
*Bunkers and Photon Cannons (best defensive placements)
*Comsats&Observers for best detection
*Def.Matrxed Arbiters can recall troops behind enemy lines
without getting destroyed
*Medics+Firebats+Zealots against Zerg (Zealots-hydras, firebats-lings)
*Reavers&Tanks (best ground siege)
*Reavers "behind" tanks (scarabs protect tanks from close range attacks)
*Tanks destroy defenses, so Reavers can drop (or both tank/reaver drops)
*Tanks, Reavers, Psi-Storm, Firebats, Irradiate, backed up by Medics will splash damage against zerg armies
*"Invisible Yamato"--Battlecruisers hidden in front of Arbiters
*Tanks/Bunkers with Marines defended by Dark Templars
*Stasis a Ghost so he won't get killed by his nuke
*Put Disruption Web AROUND bunkers and tanks (melee or close range enemies can't attack bunkers or the tanks)
*Goliaths+Reavers for air/ground damage
*Medics+Dark Templar--medics can heal, restore effects, and blind those damn detectors so dktemplars can attack
*Medics restores lockdowns for Arbiters, so they can cloak and remove parasites (IMO, one of zerg's greatest anti-arbiter spells)
*Arbiters can recall tanks in siege mode
*Irradiated Reavers?????? just trying to think of somethings...
Stuff u can do with Def-matrix on Protoss units::::::::::
*Def-Matrixed High Templars can Psi-storm themselves or anywhere safely
*Def-matrixed Archons/Scouts/Carriers survive Nukes
*Def-matrixed Corsairs can put disrp.web ANYWHERE on MAP (good speed, with good defenseHP means ANYWHERE)
*Def-matrixed archons live after EMP
*Def.Matrixed DarkArchns live after MindControl or EMP
*Def.Matrixed Shuttles for better Reaver Drops
(Whenenver u play TerranToss vs. anything with Zerg...
find someway, somehow...i don't care how much it costs or kills,
try to mind-control enemy defilers. Then, ur strategies become almost impossible to stop..esp.w/darkswarm)