Best Map Maker Award


May 30, 2003
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I actually nominated 2 people. I mentioned bolthead was good and was nominated already, nominated those 2, and asked for someone to nominate myself. it actually says 1 vote each not 1 nomination :) that would be pretty stupid and pathetic if you take out some of the best mapmakers just because one person nominated them. in my opinion BotD is the best mapmaker there is (blood of the dragon all the way!), and just because he is an old one and stopped making maps a long time ago doesn't mean he isn't the best. army was pretty good, but nothing compared to botd and not as good as bolt or other members of the (U) clan. shush when I nominate kick ass mapmakers when no one else has.

besides, if I did people at the quality u guys have been saying..
I would nominate ghost yoon for his defense maps
and I wouild nominate eteft for his bound maps.

but I am not. I say the best ones because I am only 1 person. also, I am myself an extremely good mapmaker, but nominations can only go for well-known ones, can they? how can we know if someone is good if they are not well known?

also, wanna know how u can tell good maps from bad maps? more off, excellant maps from good maps?

most mapmakers nowadays do not balance their maps. they just plop down any random numbers and hope that it is good later on, expecially in defense and RPG maps. I once had a complete sheet of paper completely filled with +8 health and add 1 zling here comments on it. balancing a map can pratically take more time than to make a map, and since people are damn lazy, they don't do it.

ill end my post now before it becomes an epic responding to a 1 line post


May 18, 2003
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Ok, you guys pry dont know me but im pretty much now my stuff about map making.. well most of it.. so hopefully i will be able to help some folks out-

But for the most of my knowledge, i would have to nominate tassadar920- Bcuz ive been reading a lot of Threads lately and hes the one answering most of the threads that ive seen.. and i repeat ive seen a lot.. i spent like 5-6 hours just in one day looking at threads (i was really bored)
And ive played a efw of his maps!... Nice

P.S.--- im coming out with a map called - The Legends Of Anime -
Its a RPG and it will be awhile until i get it done so when it
when it is done i will Post the link!..
Sorry tassadar920 has already been nominated. Please nominate another person.

cmon guys, get some really good mapmakers up here, not just any old new ones.

the only good one I have seen so far is bolthead

I also nominate BotD{CO} and MillenniumArmy, they are both great.

and I wouldn't mind someone nominating me, trust me I am a kickass mapmaker, lol
You can only nominate one person. What's it going to be - BodtD{CO} or MillenniumArmy?

So the thread should be changed to Best Map Skillz Award?

For me I think the Best Map Maker is someone who can do most to all things in making a map. Someone who learned how to make a map by experience. Someone who helps other people in making their map. He/she don't flame people on their map ideas. Someone who can just plain know how to make a map but not necessarily know anything about the other programs out that.(ScmToolkit - Guedit - SCXE - ScmDraft) I can't think right now I'm tired. Cya Later.

-Master Virus
Jun 14, 2003
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Originally posted by fritfrat
I say the best ones because I am only 1 person. also, I am myself an extremely good mapmaker, but nominations can only go for well-known ones, can they? how can we know if someone is good if they are not well known?
i Agree Fritfrat, just because your not well-known does not mean that you are an excellent map maker. Forgive me for miss-understanding you, But then agian We can Only nominate 1 person each.. at least thats what The poster Said..

And since i cant nominate tassadar bcuz hes already been nominated i guess im gonna nominate FritFrat for having some very good points and I believe him when he says that he is a Extremely Good Map maker

O and One more thing.. How are you going to know whos the best map maker when a person can only be nominated Once?
I mean cmon. The only thing your gonna have at the end is a big list of different names, and every name will only show up once, the whole thing will just be one big Tie.


May 30, 2003
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--edited a bit--

ya, exactly. if you know three really good mapmakers, and everyone else knows like none so they say other names.. oh well.

if only 1 I nominate BotD{CO}, if no limit I nominate all 4 names I mentioned. thanks for the nominate rebel ;)

(note the }{ stuff in BotD's name.. really old clan. actually leader made the first color name spoofer, my brother had tons of connections back then and I actually met BotD)

I will make more comments on what a great mapmaker should be or whatever

another thing about an extremely good mapmaker is creativity. The story of a map can make a great map an excellant map. I have already made over a dozen good maps, prolly around 4-5 really great ones, I can't think of more, but the ones I have are good.
that's the thing about bound maps. everyone makes bound maps because when they think "what should I make? I know, a bound!" sure, I can do anything that can be done trigger-wise almost flawlessly. but why does it matter if u can't apply it? besides, a lot of people can do that.
another thing are those people who are flashy with their programs. when I make a map, I only use good programs when I have to, such as upgrades on an installation map or something. people who end up always using player colors 12 13 14 15 16 etc. for their players along with disabled marines and stuff all over the place for looks are showing off their programs instead of their talent.

I will probably post up some of my maps for download. I have unprotected versions of all my maps except for one which I lost, which was only a clan testing one (damn nice melee map though. I actually always invited the guy into my clan if he was a cool guy or not, not if he won, lol. they mad at me for the game but oh well). I do believe that BotD is a better mapmaker than me, though. I will post up my favorite map of his, The Gauntlet, as well as some other ones that I can find he made.

oh well, I hope you change your mind and post up all 4 of the good mapmakers I have mentioned (botd, ghost yoon, army, eteft) instead of just BotD, but the decision is up to you. im out for the day, I am on east and my account name is fritfrat if you ever wanna give me a whisper ;)


May 18, 2003
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i Agree Fritfrat, just because your not well-known does not mean that you are an excellent map maker. Forgive me for miss-understanding you, But then agian We can Only nominate 1 person each.. at least thats what The poster Said..

And since i cant nominate tassadar bcuz hes already been nominated i guess im gonna nominate FritFrat for having some very good points and I believe him when he says that he is a Extremely Good Map maker

O and One more thing.. How are you going to know whos the best map maker when a person can only be nominated Once?
I mean cmon. The only thing your gonna have at the end is a big list of different names, and every name will only show up once, the whole thing will just be one big Tie.
It's called the "Best Map Maker Award" not the "2 Best Map Maker Award. You can vote after tomorrow to see who is the best.

ya, exactly. if you know three really good mapmakers, and everyone else knows like none so they say other names.. oh well.

if only 1 I nominate BotD{CO}, if no limit I nominate all 4 names I mentioned. thanks for the nominate rebel

(note the }{ stuff in BotD's name.. really old clan. actually leader made the first color name spoofer, my brother had tons of connections back then and I actually met BotD)

I will make more comments on what a great mapmaker should be or whatever

another thing about an extremely good mapmaker is creativity. this is actually the only thing I am not so perfect in... I don't do storylines and stuff like that, I am more of a math person, and also think many maps are just played for the game, not the story, even if the story makes a great map an excellant map. expecially since I have already made over a dozen good maps, prolly around 4-5 really great ones, I can't think of more. I am very creative compared to other people, however.
that's the thing about bound maps. everyone makes bound maps because when they think "what should I make? I know, a bound!" sure, I cannot do anything that can't be done trigger-wise. but why does it matter if u can't apply it?

I will probably post up some of my maps for download. I have unprotected versions of all my maps except for one which I lost, which was only a clan testing one (damn nice melee map though. I actually always invited the guy into my clan if he was a cool guy or not, not if he won, lol. they mad at me for the game but oh well). I do believe that BotD is a better mapmaker than me, though. I will post up my favorite map of his, The Gauntlet, as well as some other ones that I can find he made.

oh well, I hope you change your mind and post up all 4 of the good mapmakers I have mentioned (botd, ghost yoon, army, eteft) instead of just BotD, but the decision is up to you. im out for the day, I am on east and my account name is fritfrat if you ever wanna give me a whisper
Um are any of those names a valid Battleforum Screen name. Anyway This is the first Award I have started. It's not flawless. I have taken your idea into a lot of consideration. Maybe in July it'll be the the "Best Map Maker in" and you can nominate like atmost 3 candidates. Don't get mad at me I'm trying to make everyone happy but still stick to the rules I set. I probably might not even be able to host thte Award because I might be on vacation in July.

-Master Virus

Kos Mos

Jun 15, 2003
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say the best map award could be 3v3 zero cluter that map was pretty good for protoss race and zerg race to mass the map.And the money was quick i would give the award to 3v3 zero cluter though.


May 18, 2003
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I rarely make Melee maps but correct me if I'm wrong. Melee maps require balance and thought. It doesn't require nearly as much skills as a UMS map would require.


May 18, 2003
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My house
willt he award b a picture or what?

Im going to be gone after the 24th (rarely on if ever), and also master virus, it's the 15th time to post up the voting.

Woah i've been nominated 3x now? Jeeze! GL PEOPLE! LET'S SEE WHO THE BEST IS!


May 18, 2003
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The Nominees

The nominees are:

Master Virus nominated tassadar920

SILeNT(U) nominated Bolt Head

MacMan nominated Tuxedo templar

Sidrial nominated Crookedfoot

Bolt Head nominated SILeNT(U)

FiTs_ nominated MacMan

BM)DaRkMeGaMaN nominated Master Virus

CerebralChain nominated NFC-Blutwurst

Rebel-Battousia nominated fritfrat

Remember you can only vote via PM. Vote by Sending me a Private Message with one of the nominee you have selected. You have until June 29th to vote.


May 30, 2003
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you never said it had to be only battleforum members, lol. oh well, none of the people I mentioned used battleforum. I thought it was best mapmaker, not best mapmaker on battleforums. I would say sorry for messing it up but I don't think you were clear enough.

of the people listed here I actually think I am the best, lol. I will post up some of my maps later ;)


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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-BotD isn't {CO} anymore, he still makes maps and he uses the name Dilb3rt
-If you're not voting yet, why would you only be able to nominate one person? Voting for one makes more sense.
-I wouldn't recommend nominating people because you see them post allot. Posting doesn't gauge skill, specially when half the posts are dumb.


May 30, 2003
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oh, well, when ya listed the rules it didn't say it hadda be from forums.. I looked back and I saw it but I only looked back on the rules for when I made my nominations. I guess it both our faults then, sorry for blaming it all on you.

my brother was actually in CO as well as he knew BotD. Dilbe3rt or whoever you're talking about is probably someone pretending to be BotD because BotD quit bnet years ago. unless he started playing again, which would be unlikely, and if he did he wold probably still use the {CO} name.

also, it shouldn't be the best mapmakah award, it should be best battleforum mapmaker award if it is going to be limited to the battleforums. that is stupid if otherwise.. overall this whole thing is dumb because no one knows how good anyone is. im not going to bother posting up my maps anymore, lol.

Bolt Head

May 20, 2003
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Thanks for the comments Frit Frat and also i saw BotD on less than a year ago. He was always afk when i tried to talk to him lol. (it was BotD acount not Dilbe3rt or whatever)


May 18, 2003
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My house
never seen him, neva heard of him...

Bolt, you get my vote (on page 2 are the nominees, att he bottom)


May 18, 2003
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Originally posted by fritfrat
oh, well, when ya listed the rules it didn't say it hadda be from forums.. I looked back and I saw it but I only looked back on the rules for when I made my nominations. I guess it both our faults then, sorry for blaming it all on you.

my brother was actually in CO as well as he knew BotD. Dilbe3rt or whoever you're talking about is probably someone pretending to be BotD because BotD quit bnet years ago. unless he started playing again, which would be unlikely, and if he did he wold probably still use the {CO} name.

also, it shouldn't be the best mapmakah award, it should be best battleforum mapmaker award if it is going to be limited to the battleforums. that is stupid if otherwise.. overall this whole thing is dumb because no one knows how good anyone is. im not going to bother posting up my maps anymore, lol.

Would you be happy if July it was called:

"The 5 Best Overall Map Maker Award"

And there would be 1 for each gateway(West, East, Europe, Asia) and just 1 overall.

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